I was hoping it would cost less, of course. But as a very recent V Collection 6 owner, the damage is $69 for me.
It would likely be a no-brainer based on the demos I've watched alone. But I already own Massive, another very capable wave table synth that I'm still trying to get the hang of. I was only looking to add a modern modular synth, likely Zebra2, which I passed on for the V Collection.
My sound designing is sub par as is. I already have a lot of learning to do with my current collection. I deep demo session might be necessary as this is looking like a great value.
...It would also be way cool, if it were to get integrated into Analog Lab.
I haven't experimented with Analog Lab yet, but I anticipate heavy use after some experience with the individual synths. The addition of Pigments would be crazy!