February 14, 2025, 10:15:39 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: My Keylab completely worthless after updating to Mac OSX Mojave with Logic Pro X  (Read 5426 times)


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I have Logic Pro X 10.4.2 and my Keylab 61 worked quite OK (using only transport and keys) but now after I updated to mac OSX Mojave the Keylab 61 became completely useless.
Not only can I not play anything, let alone use MMC, it even creates disturbances in Logic such as randomly opening windows, resizing main window, etc.

Keylab 61 works with Garageband, and it works with Arturia's instruments but nothing happens with Logic Pro X

I really don't understand why, because as far as I'm concerned the keyboard is just a MIDI controller sending MIDI messages.
Why is this such a pain?

Logic is a main DAW and I simply can't understand why this is not working.


  • Apprentice
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Nobody has touched this for 5 weeks. Have you had success? If so, how'd you do it?

How are you connecting your hardware? Does About This Mac > System Report recognize the Keylab device? Also, is Audio MIDI Setup seeing it? Since you mention Garageband recognizes your Keylab, its more than likely in the Logic Pro Preferences. That does not mean you can skip verifying the previous two items.

Logic Pro has received a little update, too. It may not cure your problem, but make a decision which to do first. Its likely a tick in LPX > Preferences but could be in your project.

I wish to be respectful of your concerns, and it is simply a MIDI controller sending MIDI messages. I use midi-Monitor.app for most of my more complex problems, which end up mostly me creating increased and undocumented complexity to a simple system. What is troublesome is that this situation is similar to posting on a forum when I go out in the morning and my car won't start-- It really should, but my experience in life is there's a few things I can do before climbing on my roof and speaking out.

There are plenty of resources to teach you to learn. And maybe this forum will be patient enough to lend a hand.


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