I had resolved myself to having a lovely set of dead knobs, but the rerelease of the black edition BSP (mine is the first black edition) rekindled my frustration and hopes for some sort of repair.
I never received a reply from Arturia CS re. any possible repair options.
Is it really possible I am lamentably the only person on this forum who has managed to supply wrong power to their BSP? And I should assume it is past repair at this point short of an entire board replacement?
If anyone has had to do a repair of this sort I would be interested to hear how and where they did so and the cost. Perhaps finding the most cosmetically trashed used BSP I can and just swapping the housing will be cheaper. Of course, it would also likely have imminent issues from hard use.
I did take it apart looking for any visible damage, haven’t had time to break out a meter and it's out of my league anyway without guidance. USB port appears totally solid. No visibly damaged diodes, etc. to my eyes. Supplying correct power yields zero activity/lights… but heat on back of board just beside and below the power switch and also the STM32F103VCT6 warms up.