Hello, I have my Microbrute slaved to DrumBrute Impact via MIDI.
Although the MB is locked to the DBI's tempo, it's still possible to turn the Rate knob to increase/decrease the speed of the sequence in increments that are still synced.
For the last few days, I was working on a sequence pattern on the MB where I could achieve half-time by turning the rate knob all the way left. So the MB would play one note per every two clicks from DBI. This was perfect because it allowed me to double the amount of notes possible in the sequence instead of using rests.
This was working fine for a few days, then BOOM it stopped working. Now the slowest I can get when turning the Rate knob all the way left is one note per click. This means all the sequence patterns I created are playing way too fast. I've tried everything I can think of to recreate the half-time again.
Was this just a happy little glitch or is there something I can do to get this option back? Thanks!