After wasting hours trying to figure out how to connect "EXTERNAL AUDIO" to MODULAR V3, Arturia told me that the feature doesn't exist anymore!!
The "answer" officially provided by Arturia: THEY REMOVED THE FEATURE. THERE IS NO "Effects" implementation of MODUAR V in V3 any more! They simple REMOVED IT, affairs
without even teliing anybody! ANd even worse, they've left the external audio inputs on the face panel! Having gadgets on your GUI that don't do anything is actually FRAUDULENT.
Below I've pasted in the full message from Arturia "Support." I'm certainly never going to have anything to do with Arturia again.
José (Arturia Support)
Sep 4, 00:17 CEST
Hello John
Thank you for using our instruments!
Sorry for the inconvenience but this feature has been removed in the latest version of the Modular V3, Previous versions came with a Modular V Audio Effect plug-in.
Please feel free to contact us if you need more assistance.
Best Regards,