Hi !
The Minibrute 2 had no digital control so technically it is not possible to directly automate a parameter on the synth.
That said, You can still control the Mod Wheel/Velocity/Aftertouch values from Ableton. So anything you patch to these outputs will be controlled via MIDI from the values you send from your DAW
Simple example :
-Use a patch cable to connect the Velocity output in the patchbay to the Filter Cutoff input
-Write some MIDI notes in Ableton, that you send to the MiniBrute 2
-Velocity now controls the Filter Cutoff !
You can do the same for the "Press" output which can be either Mod wheel or Aftertouch. After that, simply write a "channel pressure" automation in your MIDI clip in live and you can automate anything you can patch in the patchbay

(See the screenshot I enclosed)
Hope this helps !