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Author Topic: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?  (Read 181452 times)


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #360 on: August 13, 2019, 06:27:53 pm »
HOLY F#@K it's the middle of AUGUST! and no word YET??!!?



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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #361 on: August 13, 2019, 09:40:10 pm »
Eduardo gave an announcement in the gearslutz thread about the beta about a week ago. Seems something is actually happening


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #362 on: August 14, 2019, 10:36:42 am »
It was more than 2 weeks ago. In the message he said beta would be released to testers the following week. No beta to testers yet as far as I can tell. Is a tester reading this to confirm either way.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #363 on: August 14, 2019, 12:48:06 pm »
Their programmer has just finished the KeyStep firmware update which myself and some other KS users have been waiting of for three years, so I have some confidence that you guys are indeed next in the pecking order.
2022 Apple Studio Max 32/32/2TB Monterey • V Collection 9 • Analog Lab 4 + 5 • KeyLab 88 • KeyStep


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #364 on: August 15, 2019, 07:04:52 pm »
It was more than 2 weeks ago. In the message he said beta would be released to testers the following week. No beta to testers yet as far as I can tell. Is a tester reading this to confirm either way.

Yeah I see it says posted 2 weeks ago now. Read that post a couple a days ago and it said posted1 week ago. Anyway, my point was it looks like the update is actually happening, though we haven't been given any hints about whether it's worth the longer than long wait. Have to admit I have expectations that are probably higher than they realisticly should be, all things concidered.

Seems indeed there's something really weird going on with all the delay and silence. Hope I'm wrong. Can't be good for business in any case. Starts to look like the MxB may have been a mistake, as in too big of a project for Arturia to handle. A real shame if that's the case. It's such a bold and ambitious synth, and from the unlikeliest of companies too. Half the reason why I bought it was I wanted to support that approach when I had the chance.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #365 on: August 15, 2019, 07:15:03 pm »
Their programmer has just finished the KeyStep firmware update which myself and some other KS users have been waiting of for three years, so I have some confidence that you guys are indeed next in the pecking order.

I'm sorry to say it, but with so few resources available, Arturia should have been foreseeing enough to wait with the release until the synth was bug free and had the features it was meant to have and just left it like that, saying this is it, what you see is what you get. Then this situation would have been avoided.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #366 on: August 15, 2019, 07:18:08 pm »
Although I've participated somewhat in the negativity here because I felt it was in place, I honestly hope the best for Arturia, and most other synth companies as well for that matter. The approach for survival however isn't without significance. If oversized marketing departments pressure for cheap toys is chosen as the «safe» way out, then I will happily turn my back and continue buying used without hesitation and feel free to speak my mind about it to whoever wants to listen. That's my unjust power as a concumer. I'm sure plenty of others feel the same way.

Unfinished expensive products are somewhat risky investments and customers shouldn't feel abandoned or left hanging while Arturia races on with all sorts of other things, and It shouldn't at all be necessary to point this out. As I understand it this is an official Arturia forum. Understandable concerns from supporting customers shouldn't be ignored and met with silence. Unless Arturia is on the brink of bankruptsy then something else is very wrong somewhere and needs to be changed.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2019, 07:26:55 pm by HUBA »


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #367 on: August 16, 2019, 01:38:01 pm »
I can't believe how few people complain on here.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #368 on: August 16, 2019, 01:48:23 pm »
  I hope the best for Arturia as well. I was actually so fond of their ambitious design ideas, I bought a Matrixbrute. That represented a year of studio upgrades for my business. From my prospective, that is a high honor for Arturia.
  That being said, as a purchaser of their flagship, I feel a bit ripped off,  misled and the honor of spending my hard earned money was pissed away and disrespected. They have a beautiful design, seemingly rock solid hardware pieced together with unfinished and buggy firmware, and then ignored for years. They say they are working on something, but continuously miss promised deadlines without explanation. Those that purchased the Matrixbrute earliest were made to wait the longest, while new purchasers were given a free case in a promotion.

 I don't understand why they choose to do business this way and cannot see it being sustainable. If they want to make cheap toy synths, they should commit to that. If they want to make high end flagships, they should make sure to focus on doing that right first.
 If they step up and deliver a (better be fucking stunning after this time) firmware update, I will wish them well from a distance. It would take a miracle for me to entrust them with my money again after this fiasco.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #369 on: August 16, 2019, 02:40:50 pm »
Edouard has OK'ed letting it be known that the beta has started. It's installed and running on my MxB  ;D

There's some rather good content in this update that will make MxB users happy. Sorry no details yet (NDA) ;)


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #370 on: August 16, 2019, 03:55:41 pm »
Edouard has OK'ed letting it be known that the beta has started. It's installed and running on my MxB  ;D

There's some rather good content in this update that will make MxB users happy. Sorry no details yet (NDA) ;)

Hey thanks for sharing that! Sounds good


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #371 on: August 16, 2019, 04:31:05 pm »
 Great news! Thanks Dr.J!


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #372 on: August 16, 2019, 10:21:27 pm »


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #374 on: August 17, 2019, 04:02:20 pm »
I agree matrixbrute update is long past due... but I'd rather it right than rushed. there is some really cool things in this new update. we have been informed not to discuss those features at this time. I will say this though... The beta has just started, don't expect it to be done in a week. first the features need to be tested etc and then bugs need to be fuond and squashed .  I am the kinda guy who tends to be impatient about updates etc as well so I know the feeling very well. but at least it is the focus (and clearly has been for a good bit given the features in this update are already working and implemented.). squashing bugs takes time though, exciting times are indeed coming. 


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