this is what I sent to Arturia as a support ticket. I post it here so, in case I ever receive an answer, you'll be fully updated on anything, as I wrote this ticket with the whole community in mind:
To whom it may concern,
sorry to bother you with an old question. Lately, there has been a huge debate regarding the future Matrixbrute Firmware Update, in the "General Discussions" section of your official forum. While I have been professing calm and comprehension, there are many frustrated Matrixbrute owners out there (and I can't blame them). We've been told that an update was in the specification pipeline, but - still - we have no clue on which specifications will it contain, when it's going to be delivered, if you're actively working on that, if it's still happening at all. It is more than disrespectful on your behalf letting people pay 2000 bucks for an instrument that needs bugfixes and promising a "Major update" that - after a year and a half - is still lacking. At this point I think you owe us an OFFICIAL STATEMENT (in the forums, and through your social networks), providing us further details. Or else, people will probably end up selling their matrix or contacting webzines.