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Author Topic: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?  (Read 181465 times)


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #60 on: June 23, 2018, 11:42:14 pm »
My complaint is about the lack of bugfixes, new features and a decent editor. The synth is dependent on a computer to name patches and edit other features and I wonder how the MXB can be used in 10-20 years from now. Will it still be possible to run the Midi Control Center then?
I understand that the main Arturia web page will have new content, and the MXB has been gone quite a while from it... but it feels that it's been put away to be more or less forgotten, and the spotlight is on the new Drumbrute, Rackbrute and Minibrutes... where the cash is.

My feeling of the Matrixbrute is that it's incomplete in several ways. There are known bugs that hasn't been fixed for more than a year. There is no patch editor. The sequencer need a face lift. No way to name patches on the MXB itself. Envelopes lack control (no loops, no 'always retrig'). No preview of sounds before saving/overwriting a patch. Pitch wheel deadzone is way to big.

Don't get me wrong, I do like the MXB and I think this is the most versatile synth in the price range, but I think that a $2000+ machine should not have the problems mentioned above.
Before the MXB I tried the Moog Subsequent 37CV.  Hardware & software wise it's more or less complete and has none of the problems the MXB has, but I didn't really like its sound so I got the MXB instead.

If the pure bugs on the MXB was fixed, it would be great. If there was new feature updates, it would be awsome!
The MXB could easily be the coolest synth ever, if it was given more love from it's creators.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #61 on: June 24, 2018, 03:48:49 am »
So many negative Nancys...

Not everyone cares about naming patches. In fact no one did in the 70s when it wasn't a thing, and the MxB is aiming to recapture that straightforward kind of interface from the 70s while still adding a lot of modern features. In fact I'd already got in the habit of not saving patch names on most of my synths because names aren't super useful to me. I also don't have a need for a patch editor since the interface is so straightforward and it lets you check the saved value if I ever want to reverse-engineer patches.

A looping envelope would be nice. Buttons as mod destinations would be awesome. But really the MxB is already a complete instrument as it is despite some minor bugs here and there. To me it doesn't make sense to buy a synth that doesn't have certain features and then get mad that there's no update to implement those features.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #62 on: June 24, 2018, 08:47:11 am »
We all have different needs and preferences. :) I didn't know about these issues when buying it.
What annoys me is that functions that do not work as Arturia intended (i.e bugs) aren't fixed. Bugs should be dealt with asap imo.
New features would be nice, and I would even pay for upgrades that added something I really wanted.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2018, 03:33:19 pm by Speedball030 »


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #63 on: June 24, 2018, 05:01:08 pm »
We all have different needs and preferences. :) I didn't know about these issues when buying it.
What annoys me is that functions that do not work as Arturia intended (i.e bugs) aren't fixed. Bugs should be dealt with asap imo.
New features would be nice, and I would even pay for upgrades that added something I really wanted.

I wasn't trying to call you out specifically, by the way. It was more a general response to this thread. I joined here hoping to see how other people were using their MxB and maybe learn some tricks but found that this was the only active thread.  :-\

I would say that if some of the issues have been addressed, Arturia would do well to consider Agile methodologies in software development--release in quick releases rather than waiting for annual updates so that users can benefit from fixes and features.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #64 on: June 25, 2018, 09:52:19 am »
In all fairness, the front page changes all the time - they use it for the latest news items. The MxB is the very first thing on their product page and it appears on the news page whenever there's a related event or release.

If the complaint is just a symptom of the frustration of waiting for an update, I can understand that. From what I know, they're working on a quite extensive update, so even if it has taken its time, we're not forgotten. And now that the update is apparently being worked on, I'd rather want a solid and substantial one than a rushed and minimal one.

I am sure there will be an update and they won't let us down so no need for frustration,
but don't release the pressure


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #65 on: June 26, 2018, 12:07:17 am »
So many negative Nancys...

...To me it doesn't make sense to buy a synth that doesn't have certain features and then get mad that there's no update to implement those features.

That "entitlement" argument is - sorry - bollocks in my opinion.

If it would be weird wishes for hardware upgrade, then you would be right.

But to ask for software improvements is 100% legit.

fede bts

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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #66 on: June 28, 2018, 02:25:14 pm »
I'm trying to stay positive, yet I would appreciate if one of the moderators could join the discussion from time to time just to tell us if something is actually going on at their headquarters. I remember several persons were complaining at the time for the lack of updates on the beatstep pro; at last, when version 2.0 came out,it was pretty clear for everyone that they had been working on a huge firmware update for some time: I hope something similar is happening in this case; otherwise I have to imagine they're encountering some problems in rewriting the software (or they just don't care, some might say :P).


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #67 on: June 28, 2018, 06:43:36 pm »
They just care about the initial money you give them thats all.
After that you can F.O. from their part.
I have spend a lot of money on Arturia stuff and aside from the Beatstep pros I own the other stuff from them including the Matrixbrute all have things to correct.
And they don't correct it and won't correct it.
But wait when their is a little glitch in one of their 80 $ plugins a update is their within the week.
I have given up hope on Arturia they have just a very bad business philosophy and would even be able to learn a big lesson from Behringer.........

Nuff said.
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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #68 on: July 03, 2018, 08:20:52 am »
Bugs should be dealt with asap imo.
New features would be nice, and I would even pay for upgrades that added something I really wanted.

Bugfixes first, definitely! I don't really need new features, I just want my gear to work properly. I love my Matrixbrute, and hope for news of new firmware soon... preferably via e-mail.  :)

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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #69 on: July 05, 2018, 04:53:40 pm »
I do see your point, Guayguy, but the LFO bug for example is a huge problem. The sequencer hickups, too. And all those cries for a way to make the Brute independent from a PC are realy the only way to make this thing futureproof. Before that is possible, it really does not hold up to the 70īs devices you netioned. They only kept their values, because you donīt need Windows 3.1 to set them up.

My MIDI control Center also wonīt update to the newest distro, for example.

And I would have never never ever believed, that the LFOs would not play triplets. It freaks me out. Sadly, there is no proper manual for the Brute either, so there was pretty much no chance to know this beforehand... I still use it, and I love the flexibility, but I am not bringing it to concerts as it is...


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #70 on: July 10, 2018, 09:44:19 pm »
Another 3 months and no news...

...and another month...

fede bts

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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #71 on: July 11, 2018, 08:07:08 am »
I sent this support ticket this morning:

To whom it may concern,

"I am writing to ask you if you are still working on the long awaited Matrixbrute Update. We have been waiting more than a year and a half for bugs to be solved (bugs that, accordingly to Arturia, were meant to be solved - I quote -  "in the next firmware update"). At some point it seemed that something was in the pipeline: you told us you were working on it (yet you weren't able to provide any expected release date) and you asked users to provide tickets for feature request: I have been sending 5 of those myself, along with 3 bug reports (which is a great loss of time, if it comes out to be perfectly useless). Many articles are being written on this topic, wondering why Arturia keeps according more importance to smaller products such as the new 'brutes; many are starting to sell their Matrix for lack of updates. I am considering selling mine as well. So, before doing anything, I am trying  to ask you again further information: at this point, we deserve it."

I have never been polemical toward Arturia, yet - at this point - I feel like I have been kidded we they asked us to send support tickets. Many of us spent good hours of their lives here, discussing feature requests and bug fixes; we sent tickets as we had been asked to.  And I have the feeling that nothing is actually ahappening at Arturia headquarters... I hope I am wrong; I will report here as soon as I get a reply (if I get one)


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #72 on: July 17, 2018, 08:09:39 pm »
The next Arturia Product ( Micro Drum Brute)

but still no new Matrixbrute OS

fede bts

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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #73 on: July 18, 2018, 09:21:25 am »
Sorry guys, I got an answer but I forgot to report. I  had been told that the team is working on a Major update (Guillaume from Arturia used a capital A; dunno if it was intended or just a typo  ::)), but that - due to the fact that they're actively working on new products - this firmware update won't probably be ready before 2019. He continued telling me that - apart for the wait - they're 100% sure they're going to deliver this update. That's it!


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #74 on: July 18, 2018, 06:16:44 pm »
... - this firmware update won't probably be ready before 2019....
Just to be sure, was that part stated explicitly by Arturia?


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