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Author Topic: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?  (Read 171638 times)


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2018, 03:49:14 pm »
Technically I would say yes. But depending of what will contain the update, it will be or not. Can't say...

I don't want to add to any negativity here, just one suggestion:

Read through the feature requests and state whether the suggestions are technically possible or not. And if something is technically possible but extremely difficult or highly unlikely, then maybe comment on that too.

I think that would be highly apprechiated by all here.

I will send some feature requests to support, and I hope others will as well.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2018, 04:31:48 pm »
One request per ticket would be great to easily keep a track of each ticket per feature / bug.
This will definitely have an influence on the update.

In addition to countable popularity, Arturia should concider each request  based on its usefullness to the avarage user. Some suggestions may be highly usefull even though the majority of users posting requests haven't thought of it yet.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2018, 11:11:09 am »
It’s getting more and more a joke.....
Even Behringer have 150 times better support assistance and updates....
Arturia you should remember that your product is only as good as the support you offer for it....
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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2018, 12:41:57 am »
I'm a brand new MxB owner and I too would love to have discovered issues resolved. 

I haven't been following Arturia long (but own two products with a third in radar) and have seen a common trend where their focus is on the next shinny thing which consumes development resources until productized and shipped.  Most companies provide quarterly or simi-annual updates to address P1-P3 issues and include some Top-N high-demanding new features and enhancements.  A common trend here in the States.

Community boards can be a great asset for steering product direction, as their customers can vote on what features or capability they need in a product.  IMO, having bugs reported to support tickets is the right workflow but feature requests should have more transparency with their customer base.

Anyway, that's $.02 cents.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2018, 03:01:47 am »
Community boards can be a great asset for steering product direction, as their customers can vote on what features or capability they need in a product.  IMO, having bugs reported to support tickets is the right workflow but feature requests should have more transparency with their customer base.

I agree. I just sent my feature requests to support, one by one. It's more tedious than to just post them on the forum, but it's the only way for now, so that's what you have to do.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #35 on: April 26, 2018, 06:38:38 am »
After my post I went back to the main MatrixBrute area and noticed there was already a forum section carved out for Feature Requests (https://forum.arturia.com/index.php?board=230.0).  Guess that's not being leveraged either??

Lunatic Sound

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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #36 on: April 30, 2018, 05:19:29 pm »
Come on, Arturia, you can still do the right thing!

I am really glad someone at least answered, even if not everyone was happy with the answer, but nothing is worse than silence. It makes you feel, like the lifecycle of your brandnew synth flagship ended,before you bought it.

So thank you, Edouard!


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #37 on: April 30, 2018, 10:10:00 pm »
Still Notting !!
Unvelieveble they have time enough for al the software and al the little hardware but for their actually only real big potential product they do nothing......
Maybe they Made iT to complicated for themself
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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2018, 01:31:34 pm »
Visited their booth at Superbooth, but none of the ones I talked to could give me any useful information about the missing updates.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2018, 11:43:04 am »
Visited their booth at Superbooth, but none of the ones I talked to could give me any useful information about the missing updates.

Thats because there will not be an update they are surely already busy on another ''great'' product that makes more profit for them very fast, and they will push that until people start to ask about updates and then drop it.....
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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #40 on: May 10, 2018, 02:01:17 am »
I'm beginning to hope for an interview by sonicstate, amazona or similar
with Arturia on the reasons for treating their flagship like that


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2018, 01:36:46 pm »
Seems like the Origin synth letdown scenario. As a former Deepmind 12 owner, I must outline here that Behringer is much more listening to its customers and still updates its synth than Arturia is with the matrixbrute. I really enjoy my big brute but seeing its full potential wasted by lack of updates really disappoints me. Pretty sure some other flagship will soon be announced and then we will be left behind...
Lifecycles are getting shorter in the synthworld, as on every other market  >:(
« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 03:02:14 pm by Reaktiv »


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #42 on: May 11, 2018, 04:44:17 pm »
Allthough Arturia is giving us the silent treatment here on the forum, it seems to me they are actually planning an update. They have responded quickly, politely and seriously to all my feature requests and explained the likelyhood of each request being implemented. Some are technically impossible, such as repeating envelopes and key press independent LFO triggers.

Buttons/switches as mod destinations have been suggested by several users and is apparently possible, so it doesn't hurt to let them know you want it too, if you haven't done so yet.  :)

Send your requests, ideas and questions to technical support! They appear to be interested in any ideas and they will tell you wether they are technically possible or not. I got the impression that any request regarded as an improvement would be concidered, even if it's not requested by many users.

I don't think Arturia have forgotten about this synth at all. I believe they are proud of the Matrixbrute and want to improve it as much as possible with the update(s). As it's still quite new, they'll probably have someone working on minor bug fixes and such for a while anyway, so I would think this is the time for users to come up with some good ideas for improving this synth feature wise too.

I have no problems with features that I don't personally need, such as hidden extra features engaged by multiple button presses etc., as long as they don't ruin my user experience completely. I hope other users feel the same way.

Bianco Zigar

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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2018, 09:39:42 pm »

I'm hoping for a update too, but am very happy with the matrixbrute as is, especially after trying some "classics" and new ones on superbooth, I'm very happy with my purchase.

I talked to one nice guy from Arturia about the MB and the Update Situation, primarily with you guys in mind!

So he stated that a the moment they are looking at and testing a lot of stuff besides the bugfixing. What made me really happy is that he said that they are looking into how to get more modualtion destinations going/ if its possible. It sounded like they are at it currently. I cant say of course if he was being genuine, all i can say he seemed like a nice guy that seems to be involved in the progress of a possible update.

So I hope they can make this great synth even better. We'll see.

Thanks for the nice talk Arturia!

I wish you all good nerves, and dont let their forum communication strategy keep you from enjoying the synth!

All the best,



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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #44 on: May 17, 2018, 06:00:56 am »
This makes me hopeful too, as I am one of those who backed up Dr Justice's quest for more User Programmable Mod destinations. Moderately optimistic...


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