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Author Topic: How do you work with your mapping and assigning?  (Read 9945 times)


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How do you work with your mapping and assigning?
« on: January 28, 2018, 10:26:26 pm »

I'm interested in how all of you work with the mapping/assigning on your Essentials and on the Arturia V collection 5/6.

I have great problems trying to use the keylab as I want to be able to use it.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. For me there is a problem using the different maps since only a dozen of the controls and faders in the Arturia Synths have been given a CC number. So as I see it, there is no use in creating different maps/user settings since almost none of the faders and controls have been given a CC.

Assigning doesn't work properly. I try to create different configs that I can jump between, but as soon as I load a config the faders/controls are moving without having any impact on the sound (sometimes they affect another control that are assigned). I have tried to just use the Analog Lab map when I first assign with different configs, but that didn't work. So instead I tried to jump between different user settings (different maps) with different cc numbers on every user, but the same problem occurred - the faders and controls moved without sounding. I have the same problem both in Standalone and in Logic Pro X.

Please let me know how you use your Essential and how you assign it!


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Re: How do you work with your mapping and assigning?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2018, 11:10:05 am »
Hi folks,

ignore my former message about the problems  with mapping and different midi learn configs. I got help from the Arturia support and re-installed all my Arturia synths and it works as it should. Read more about it here:

While having this problem I worked out a solution for me that worked better than mapping and having different configs. I bought a Novation Launch Control XL. I have totally 48 knobs and faders to assign to the Arturia synths (Keylab Essential have 16 and Novation XL has 32). It's really fast, easy and fun to tweak and form my own sounds now. And I can easily mess around with delays, chorus, filters, lfos, noises, speed on vcf/vca and a lot of other stuff while playing. I strongly recommend you to get an extra controller to assign to the Arturia synths.

Akai Midimix (also got 32 knobs/faders) makes the same thing as the Novation Launch Control XL and is really cheap. I got it first, but the knobs were so small so I found it hard to get a grip of them. And the Novation Xl has leds under the knobs that makes the assigning a bit clearer. By that I know where one thing starts and ends, by giving it the same colour. I'm about to make a physical template for every synth to put on top of my Novation XL telling me what knob is assigned to what.

I'm still interested in getting to know how you other people work. :)


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