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Author Topic: Voice bank won't delete  (Read 9049 times)


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Voice bank won't delete
« on: December 30, 2017, 11:32:27 pm »
I purchased Piano Variations a few days ago. I was disappointed in the sounds. It seems like the old Arturia pianos, not the V2. I accidentally loaded the sound bank twice. I tried to delete them, and I confirm the deletion of the sound bank, but nothing is deleted.


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2018, 03:24:26 pm »
Hi Beakybird,

Sorry i don't really understand the issue here. The "piano variations" appeared on the last Piano V1 update ( Piano V2 is a rather different product, in where the audio engine has been quite improved, as you noticed.
So, in order to help you, i'd like to know what arturia products are installed and registered to your account? A screenshot of your arturia software center could be nice.

Looking forward to read you.


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2018, 04:27:49 pm »
I have the latest V2 software. I regret purchasing the Piano Variations because they sound inferior to the latest Artura sounds. $15 down the drain. No big deal.

Try this:
1. Import a voice bank
2. Delete the voice bank

In my case, the voice bank that I imported, Piano Variations, would not delete. I had to delete each individual voice.

After I select bank and press delete, a box pops up saying, "Do you want to delete ....? Yes/No"
I press yes. Nothing happens.


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Bank deletion method
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2018, 12:38:51 am »

I tried deleting the bank.
This attached files are  results.


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2018, 03:45:36 am »
Can you email me the bank that you were able to delete so I can see if I can delete it from my Arturia software?
Thanks for taking the time to check on your system. I would email my file to you, but if it doesn't delete, it has 108 files that you'd have to delete individually.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 03:47:26 am by Beakybird »


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2018, 10:38:52 am »

If you send it by e-mail, I can try it.
Please check your mailbox.


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2018, 02:12:39 pm »
I had to delete each individual voice.
You can select multiple presets.
On windows if you use Shift + Click on a second preset, and then the presets between the first and the second preset are all selected, and can be deleted at the same time.
If you use Control + Click, then you select each preset you click on in no particular order or place, and delete only the selected presets.
I assume you can do similar on a MAC. In Windows it's a standard workmethod.

But deleting banks should work.

BTW: One thing that's annoy me is, Piano V2 have overtaken my user presets from Piano V. Piano V no longer have my old Piano V user presets. The presets don't show up in Piano V, but only in Piano V2 evem if the presets are still inside the old  Piano Vs preset folder.

And in Piano V2 the settings like EQ setings for the old Piano V presets can't be seen. I don't even think they sound the same.

Arturia - It should be possible to use old Piano V user presets in Piano V, no matter one have Piano V2.
Also when old Piano V presets are used in Piano V2, then all the parameter settings should be shown. I know for example the EQ now has more bands than before, but can't that be translated?

EDIT: I was wondering if the commercial preset pack need to be uninstalled?
Don't know if it was installed and required activation of some sort.
Perhaps that make a difference?
Have you tried to create your own user bank and delete that? EDIT END
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 05:11:00 pm by LBH »


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2018, 07:51:13 pm »
I don't want to delete my user files, but I created a bank called, "User2", and when I go to select the bank called "User2" an individual instrument in that bank also gets selected. Then when I press the delete button, it asks if I want to delete that preset - not the bank. When I press ok, only the preset gets deleted, not the bank.
When I select the user bank, no instrument gets highlighted, just the bank, and when I press delete, it asks if I want to delete the bank. So there are some quirks in the software. It could be that I'm using it with Windows 7. Who knows?
I emailed my Piano Variations file to JPro600k to see if he can delete it after he loads it. I asked him for the bank he was able to successfully delete to see if my Arturia software can delete it.


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2018, 08:07:37 pm »
Then when I press the delete button, it asks if I want to delete that preset - not the bank.
How do you try to delete banks? The button in the preset window delete selected presets only.
What happens if you right click over the bank name, and then in the pop up click the text "Delete Bank "the bank name""?

FYI: Any bank that have all it's  presets deleted also disapear from the applications bank list.
Deleting a bank will delete all presets inside that bank.
You can create banks with names of your choice. It don't have to be "User".

Arturia: The manual should inform about this. It does'nt.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 08:24:06 pm by LBH »


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2018, 10:10:32 pm »
SOLVED this problem.
I sent e-mail to you.


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2018, 02:48:00 am »
I received the email. Thank you. I struggle a little bit with your English, but as I understand it
1) If i want to erase the voice bank that I purchased from Arturia developers, I have to press ctrl, and then click 108 times for each voice in order to erase the bank.
2) another work around would be to rename the bank and change the designer name. I don't know how to rename the bank once it's loaded, so I'm assuming you mean before I import it.

Anyway, it seems like the software is a little glitchy, but the pianos sound fantastic which is what's most important.

Thanks, JPro600K!


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introduce the process
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2018, 06:32:33 am »

This is  introduce the process.

Imported your version 1 file.
I could not select it with Shift +.

The file bank name was not displayed in the output item.
First of all, I felt that the file bank name was a problem.

Change one bank name to a new file bank name.
The new bank name will be displayed automatically.
Change the imported original piano file one by one to the new bank name.
The file could be automatically moved from the old file bank to the new file bank.
New file bank names can be exported as version 2.

However, only third party files were not export.
Of the 108 files, only 90 files were export.
Because of the remaining 18 files, the old bank name will not disappear.

I considered the reason for the problem. There was a difference in designer name and comment field.
I changed one of 18 files to a new bank name.
I changed the designer name and created a new bank name.
Move the 18 files to the new bank name.
When all of the 18 files can be moved, the old bank name will automatically disappear.

The new file bank file is displayed in the file bank name in the export column.
Import and export can also be done easily.
Deleting is easy.

If the old file name does not disappear, you can select it one by one with CTRL + Click mouse button and delete it.
That's a simpler solution.

I tried 3 hours to fix it.I could not enjoy music for 3 hours.
I think that it was quite a troublesome problem.
I am not a programmer.I want to enjoy music.

I want Arturia to continue making great software.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 06:35:01 am by Jpro600k »


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2018, 03:34:57 pm »
Perhaps we have a language barrier or understanding problem. Lets see if this helps.

As i wrote in previous posts.

A. You can delete a bank (And all the presets in the bank.) doing this:
1. Right Click the Bank Name
2. Click the pop up menu that ask if you wan't to delete Bank "bankname".
Have a look at the attached image "Delete Bank" i have created about this.

B. You can delete multiple presets using two methods.
Method one:

1. Click a preset to select it.
2. Click another preset while holding down "SHIFT" on you computer keyboard. This select all the presets between the two presets you selected.
3. Press the normal Delete button in the right side of the window. See attached image "Delete Presets Button". This will delete all the selected presets.
If you select the the first and the last preset in a Bank this way, then all presets will be selected.

Note: If you delete all presets in a bank - (no matter how), then the bank is also deleted from the bank list in the left panel.

Method two:
1. Click a preset to select it.
2. Click another preset while holding down "CTRL" (Control) on your computer keyboard. Now this preset will also be selected without deselecting the preset/s that allready selected.
You can chose as many presets as you like this way. Just remember to hold down "CTRL" on your computer keyboard before each new select, as you otherwise will deselect the allready selected presets.
3.Press the normal Delete button in the right side of the window. Again see attached image "Delete Presets Button". This will delete all the selected presets.

Again -
Note: If you delete all presets in a bank - (no matter how), then the bank is also deleted from the bank list in the left panel.

Basicly you have two ways to delete a bank from the left panel and all it's presets.
1. The method used in A - deleting a bank directly.
2. by deleting all presets in a bank.

It all should work. And it's easy when you know how to.

It don't matter if your banks is created by yourself or imported. But please read my posts again as there are more relevant informations.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 03:39:19 pm by LBH »


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2018, 04:13:28 pm »
LBH, your English is perfect.

I got your post clearly.

There was an anomaly to the bank I had purchased that it wouldn't delete after I pressed yes in response to confirming the deletion.

The workaround, if this ever happens again, of holding down control and selecting the first and last file in the bank and then selecting delete resolves this issue for me.

Hopefully, the Arturia designers who sell aftermarket sound banks will make sure in the future that they will delete properly from their software before they sell it.


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Re: Voice bank won't delete
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2018, 06:36:52 pm »
It could also be me that did'nt understand your issue.
The important thing is we all come to an understanding.

There was an anomaly to the bank I had purchased that it wouldn't delete after I pressed yes in response to confirming the deletion.

Hopefully, the Arturia designers who sell aftermarket sound banks will make sure in the future that they will delete properly from their software before they sell it.
As i wrote in a post, then this might be because it a commercial bank. Is it installed or imported? If it's a installed bank, then perhaps it has a uninstall program to remove it. Can't tell, but i would look in the product folder for instructions and/ or a removal tool.
EDIT: I was thinking if this issue perhaps can be because it's really a Piano V bank, and not a Piano V2 bank. Perhaps Arturia can tell? EDIT END

The workaround, if this ever happens again, of holding down control and selecting the first and last file in the bank and then selecting delete resolves this issue for me.
It's good this works.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 07:35:20 pm by LBH »


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