How would you re-create Vangelis's unique vocal synth lead played halfway through the song? I've tried it with the ring modulator at various settings, but I think he simply combined two very different preset banks (modified of course).
I just spent a bit of time on it. Not as much as I normally do but this gets pretty close. I attached two different versions, see which one you like better.
The key to the vocal quality is
- have the resonance high
- have the high pass filter cutoff at about half way to simulate the vocal quality (in combination with the low-pass filter this basically creates a band-pass filter)
- Set the KEYB. CONTROL -> BRILLIANCE low/high so that the filter= track with the keyboard
Both synth lines use a combination of saw and (fairly thin) pulse waveforms. The upper and lower synth lines are an octave apart and the lower synth line has its pulse width LFO-modulated to create more richness.
I think Vangelis is playing this patch two-handed (an octave apart), at least in some places.