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Author Topic: I had to reinstall and..... UGH  (Read 4331 times)


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I had to reinstall and..... UGH
« on: September 14, 2017, 03:21:45 pm »
Hi, I had to reinstall my OS and I reinstalled all my programs.  I am using the latest version of cubase Artist and when I load my songs I have no problem recalling old presets from other software instances.  However, for whatever reason Arturia does not recall the old presets that I have chosen.  It seems to be the only software that I have this problem with. Native instruments remembers exactly what I had loaded before, softubes, izotope, etc.  Is there a fix for this, because I have no way of knowing which patches were used and I need to have those be automatically recalled.  Thank you so much!


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Re: I had to reinstall and..... UGH
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2017, 05:25:42 pm »
Hi, I had to reinstall my OS and I reinstalled all my programs.  I am using the latest version of cubase Artist and when I load my songs I have no problem recalling old presets from other software instances.  However, for whatever reason Arturia does not recall the old presets that I have chosen.  It seems to be the only software that I have this problem with. Native instruments remembers exactly what I had loaded before, softubes, izotope, etc.  Is there a fix for this, because I have no way of knowing which patches were used and I need to have those be automatically recalled.  Thank you so much!
Hi and welcome to Arturi forums.

I presume your projects loaded the correct applications and the corect presets before you re-installed everything.

AFAIK it's your DAWs project files that save the informations.

Does your DAW give any informations about it?

Are your applications the same as before?
Are they loaded in your DAW?
Are you using user or factory presets?
Are both your applications/ plug-ins and your presets placed at the excact same path as before - using the excact same names?
If a path or name for something  is'nt the same, then your DAW can't find it.

If everything is excactly the same as what worked before, then i suggest you contact Arturia Support.

I can add, that the only way you ever can be certain to keep the correct sounds in a DAW project is to convert a track to audio.
Also back-ups is a great and recommended thing to do. If you have a back-up of the folders where Arturia store installed presets, then it's a good thing if it's a path or name issue.
Also notes of some kind that tell what preset you use is recommendable.
This might be good to keep in mind in the future, in case you have'nt done this allready.

I hope you find a way to recover it all. It's not a great situation. Good luck.


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Re: I had to reinstall and..... UGH
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2017, 09:14:37 pm »
Yes everything is the same.  And if not, cubase does a good job at recognizing other vst folders and files as long as you specify which folder your vst are in.  It seems as though for whatever reason of all the software I use, Arturia will not go back to the patches I had loaded. 
Most are standard patches with subtle tweaks.  However I have no way of knowing which patch was loaded.  In the past I used to name my tracks with specific presets.  That way I would have a general idea, even if my tweaks did not get saved.  These last batch of songs, I just recorded and didn't name anything or take notes :(


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Re: I had to reinstall and..... UGH
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2017, 11:12:10 pm »
If i understand you, then apparantly the plugins are found and loaded by Cubase, but the wrong presets are loaded, and there is no warning that cubase can't find the right plugin or preset.
A factory preset should be in the right path, i would believe.
I wonder how you know it's a wrong preset taht's loaded, if you can't remember what preset, you have used. I guess it could be the tweaks that was lost somehow. Is it the same preset that are being loaded in all instances in all projects?
just keep in mind that if you have'nt saved the tweaked presets as Arturia presets, then the tweaks afaik should be saved in your DAW project.

And just in case you have saved the presets: Also keep in mind that the presets are outside the Arturia application/ plugins. That your DAW find the path for the plug-in it is'nt the same as finding the path for the preset. Presets have own paths/ folders.
On windows the presets that are availble in the Arturia applications are located in the hidden folder ProgramData (not programfiles) at C/ ProgramData/ Arturia/ Presets/.../....
Windows must be enabled to show hidden folders to see hidden folders.

But as i suggested - if all is in order on your side, then contact Arturia support directly thru your Arturia account.
I still find it odd there are issues now, if there was'nt any issues before. Are you sure there was'nt this issue before?
If everything is in order on your side, then i suppose it can be a bug on both Arturias and Steinbergs side.
I guess it could even be a OS issue in a some way or another. May i ask why you had to reinstall your OS? What OS? Could the reason have an impact on this issue?

Arturia needs as precise informations as possible, if this is'nt a known issue.

Would be nice to know how this turns out.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 11:58:45 pm by LBH »


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Re: I had to reinstall and..... UGH
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2017, 04:15:47 pm »
Yes, correct.  The right plugins load, however the wrong patches - it seems some are random and others just aren't there.  I don't usually tweak until the final stages of editing.  I just get a good sound I am after and record the basic song.  Then if I like I will edit more towards the end.  I am super frustrated because I have about 30 songs with different Arturia VST patches.  This happened when I moved to their new v collection and now again with this newer v collection. FML

I reset my computer because I did a Bios upgrade and my PC was acting strange after that.  But it is very odd all my other patches in every single VST instrument and effect have remained the same except for Arturia............


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Re: I had to reinstall and..... UGH
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2017, 05:59:36 pm »
Sorry to hear about your troubles. It's bad luck. I'm afraid i can't help on this as such.

BIOS updates can go wrong and even damage the motherboard. But your PC work, so perhaps the BIOS update actually went well. If it's a correct BIOS for your updated computer parts, then it should not make your PC work incorrect.
I guess you had a reason to update the BIOS. And it's also a good thing to do, as it sometimes can give better performance. But it can go wrong. Many don't update BIOS, unless they feel something is'nt working correct or optimal. But perhaps that is'nt about BIOS, but about something else.

I can suggest the following:

If you have access to install on the same paths on another PC, then you can try that in addition to contacting Arturia Support thru your account. That can tell if it's a computer issue. It should be possible to exchange projects with others that have a similar set-up.

Perhaps Arturia can try out one of your projects to see if the problem is on Arturias side.

But if you have used different presets, and it's not the same preset that are loaded on all instances of the same Arturia plugin now in all projects, then i'm puzzled, as different paths then seems to be present in your projects. Those path can be messed up, but right now i can't see that being a Arturia issue. But i can't tell for sure. I suppose some additional files should be availble but are'nt or something like that.

But as said - perhaps this is a known issue. Ask Arturia support.


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Re: I had to reinstall and..... UGH
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2017, 07:51:51 pm »
Problem solved!  My VST 3 files were over riding my vst 2 files.  So, I uninstalled everything, then just check the install vst 2 box.  Yup!  That did it.   Thank you for your help!  I was super bummed


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Re: I had to reinstall and..... UGH
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2017, 08:40:35 pm »
Thanks for reporting back.

I'm glad your problem is solved.

So everything was'nt excactly like they was before afterall, as we have talked about. There was fortunately an explanation for your issue, to get it solved.

I think Arturias VST2 and VST3 versions use the same ID. I can't have both versions to use in my DAW at the same time because of that, i think. Normally i believe the VST3 versions have priority over VST2. In my DAW it's like that. So if you have used VST2 versions before, then i think you must have done something for that to be so. Perhaps like you did now by not installing the VST3 versions.

It look like it somehow actually does matter if it's a VST2 or a VST3 version even if the ID for those might be the same, and the presets they use are the same. Perhaps it's about how the informations and paths are stored in the DAWs project file.
A VST2 are located in another path than VST3, unless you can install the VST2 in the VST3 folder i think. I believe VST3 plug-ins have a fixed installation path.
If i choose not to use VST3 plug-ins in my DAW, then i can choose my DAW not to point at the VST folder. I guess you can do similar, if you wan't to.

Good you found out. Now you can do the fun stuff.


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