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Author Topic: 3 Section EQ  (Read 14851 times)


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3 Section EQ
« on: September 09, 2017, 02:56:31 pm »
I suggest to have something like a 3 section EQ in order to have different EQ for bass, mid and high KEYBOARD section.
That's because sometime I found that a good EQ for bass or mid keyboard piano section is "bad" for high keyboard section.


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Re: 3 Section EQ
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2017, 05:33:45 pm »
I suggest to have something like a 3 section EQ in order to have different EQ for bass, mid and high KEYBOARD section.
That's because sometime I found that a good EQ for bass or mid keyboard piano section is "bad" for high keyboard section.
Can you please elaborate?

Piano V allready has a EQ section with different bass, mid and treble settings.
You also have the Hammers settings.

Yes - If you for example raise the bass and mid then the treble will be less prominent in the balance.
What's a good EQ?

Can you get the sound you wan't using a external EQ somehow?


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Re: 3 Section EQ
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2017, 06:05:13 pm »
Ho, I will try to explain better. I know that Piano V has only 1 EQ section available, this mean that the same EQ curve is applied on all piano sounds independently if it's a low,mid or high key. Unfortunately, in my "search for the ideal piano sound" I often need to have different EQ curve depending from the keyboard range:i.e. sounds ranging from C0 to B1 needs more high frequency while those from C1 up to B4 needs (in my opinion) stronger bass and the higher (from C4 onwards) needs less high frequency. Having only one EQ means that you may find that an EQ is good for low section and not for middle or high keyboard section and that if you try to fix it maybe you lose the good sound you had on the lower keyboard range with the original equalization.
Therefore, my idea was to add, for instance, three separate EQ (each with at least bass, middel, high):
1) one to equalize the lower part of keyboard sounds (i.e. from C0 up to B1)
2) one to equalize the middle part of the keyboard sounds (i.e. from C1 up to B4)
3) one to equalize the high part of the keyboard sounds (i.e from C4 onwards)
so that you can apply different equalization curve depending of the keyboard range  and, for instance, you can have stronger highfrequency EQ only on the piano sounds relevant to the lower and mid extension of the keyboard while the highest range it is ok or need less high frequency and the middle range needs more bass frequency than the lower or the higher keyboards section.
Righ now, for instance, due to only one general EQ available, I can get right equalization for the piano sound I love for bass and mid keyboard section and not for the high section (which is too brilliant). Of course, if I modify the EQ to reduce the brilliance of the higher keyboard sounds, all range will be affected and I lost the sounds I love on lower and mid keyboard.

Finally, the equalization should also be "morphed" betwen the passage from one keyboard section to the other ones, in order not to have an excessive EQ change between two adiacent section of the piano but maybe this is not so easy to accoplish...

I hope to have clarify my needs/suggestions....


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Re: 3 Section EQ
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2017, 09:51:01 am »
Hey Stefano,

That sounds like an interesting idea. Technically this would mean a polyphonic EQ (one EQ per voice) and the ability to split the keyboard in zones.

I don't know if such thing could be possible to implement but I will log this as a feature request that we will discuss for future updates !



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Re: 3 Section EQ
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2017, 03:57:56 pm »
Thanks for the elaboration Stefano.

Yes that require to be able to add a EQ to a preferable selectable keyboard section.
And perhaps a possibility to have crossovers between the sections too. But a note crossover i can imagine will be the hardest thing to do, if possible at all.

I too find it hard to get the overall sound i wan't in Piano V. I recognize your struggles.
But it can also be hard to control many EQ sections. It can also be hard or take time to master a Multiband Dynamics.

So i guess this also need a possibility to be able to choose if one wan't to use 1, 2 or 3 keyboard sections with a EQ on each. Then you don't have to make it too difficult to manage EQ, if you don't wan't to or need to. Also on off switches for each EQ (like for all other settings sections for that matter) - would be useful.

Technically it's possible to make frequency crossovers. That's quite normal. Also it's quite normal to split channels. This i think is done on the audio signal.

It's possible to use multiple plug-ins that each is set to only play a defined section, if your DAW or another plug-in can do this. In Studio One there is a input filter, so only notes in a set range is allowed thru. Each instance can then have it's own settings. I guess other DAWs have similar possibilities. I know it's not quite the same, but perhaps it' can be part of a workaround for now, to do what you wan't.
(A multisplit controller that send messages to different instances can give the same workaround  possibility)

A note split give a quite different effect from a frequency split because of the overtones. So i guess this technically can be about when there is a MIDI signal and when there is a Audio signal. I guess a note split like you wan't where the overtones of each section is kept needs to have the splits on the MIDI signal, before the signal turns to a audio signal. I wonder if this require more parameters than the EQ needs to be in 3 sections if they deal with audio signals.
I guess there can be some CPU and latency issues to overcome too. But i can imagine it's possible to do even if it might require more CPU power.

I also wonder if your struggles is about your liking of Piano Vs basic sound that it uses for modeling. Perhaps there are other possibilities than a 3 section EQ to obtain more sound possibilities.

Just my guesses, thoughts and inputs as a none technician.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 04:04:25 pm by LBH »


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