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Author Topic: BUG: Sequencer Chain playmodes play in wrong order and other sequencer issues.  (Read 1824 times)


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When using the Chain playmodes, then the playing order is wrong. The playing order should be like the Chain playmode name describe. But it's like as playing order arrays place 1 wrongly is selected to play before place 0 or place 2 wrongly to play before place 1 or something like that. Please check it.

When C123 and C321 is used, then the first first step is in line 2. In C123 the first played step should be in line 1, and in C321 the first step should be in line 3.
When C12 playmode is used the first step is in line 2 - and in C13 the first step is in line 3. Both should start in line 1.
When C23 playmode is used the first step is in line 3 but should be should be in line 2.

While the C playmodes play wrongly no matter what, then the L playmodes only play wrongly in the standalone modular and perhaps only when using old presets/ templates - and perhaps only before using new presets.
When L12 is used it start in line 2, and when L13 is used it start in line 3. Both should start in line 1.
When L23 is used it start with line 3, but it should start with line 2.
When L321 is used it start with line 1, but should start with line 3.
When L123 is used then it start with line 3, but should start with line 1.
(The dual C and L  playmodes are'nt availble in reverse like the triple C and L playmodes, but perhaps they should be?)

Next step bug.
When i for example in the "Next" line put the value -- to stop the sequence in step 8, then the sequencer don't start at all but go to step 8 and stop.
If i put the stop value in step 7 instead, then it work as exspected if i had the stop value on step 8 playing step 1-8 and stop. That's not logical the next value work a step back, as it's a next step value.
If i set the stop value on step 1-6, then the sequencer jump to step 8 and stop - playing step 8 too. Again the exspected behavior is the sequencer play and stop on the step with the stop value.
It's the same both as standalone and plugin.

Other issues.
Again in the following there are differences when using standalone and plugin and using old presets/ templates -  perhaps only before using new presets. Very strange.
In my testing i used only S4 to trigger notes. I also tried to use "Keyboard Trigger On" to both start the sequencer and to trigger step one to be certain the first note should play from step 1. That should also reset the coloumns to play in the right order.
If i don't trigger step 1 this way, then the -- playmode play Line 3 in the stand alone version, but it should play line 1 anyway. This part seems to be okay in my testing using VST3 plugin.
Also the sequencer start on step 2 in the standalone version if i remove the step 1 trigger even if i keep the Start trigger. This part also seems to be okay in my testing using VST3 plugin.

A question and perhaps another bug.
If all steps are set to random and playmode is set to random, should'nt all 24 steps then be a possibility? As it is now it look like that at least step 1 and 2 only play Line 1 note. Haven't checked further. It's only when both steps and Chain playmode is random. If only the Random Chain playmode is on - and not for the steps, then it work for step and 2 playing Random Couloumns.

(BTW: Also please remember to fix the manual sequencer start button issues. It react to both mouse down and up and go to the sequencers step 2 both times - (and perhaps only when using old presets/ templates and before using new presets) - in the stand alone version - and go to step 1 twice in the VST plugin. That's wrong. It should only react one time and go to step 1 in both standalone and plugin versions no matter what presets/ templates is used at any time like everything else should too.

(And an option to continue from the current note manually could still be nice to have.)

Perhaps some of this also give sync issues?


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This playmode issue is unfortunately still not fixed in the new update version


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