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Author Topic: Key-On is full velocity after sysex - causes problems with Bitwig  (Read 3503 times)


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On firmware, the keylab 88 has a bug where it sends a note on message with full velocity after receiving a sysex message to update the LCD display.

To reproduce the bug, play the keys on the Keylab and simultaneously (repeatedly) send a sysex message from the host PC - some of the note-on MIDI messages arriving at the host will have a velocity of 7F (full velocity).When using Bitwig Studio, this means that one cannot play the keyboard AND modify an encoder/fader at the same time.

From inspecting the MIDI packets, I'm fairly certain this is a firmware bug. It does not occur at any time except for when sysex messages are being sent back by the host.


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Re: Key-On is full velocity after sysex - causes problems with Bitwig
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2017, 12:49:12 pm »
No reply.

Seriously, Arturia?


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Re: Key-On is full velocity after sysex - causes problems with Bitwig
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2018, 11:06:53 pm »
I am having similar issues when using the Keylab 88 with Bitwig - randomly, notes are sent out at full velocity regardless of how hard the key was played. Here this happens mostly during changes of the sustain pedal's state (pressed / released), which when using Bitwig leads to an update of the LCD. Manipulation of faders / encoders may trigger this, too.
I couldn't reproduce this behaviour outside of Bitwig (e.g., using Pianoteq outside of Bitwig works just fine).


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Re: Key-On is full velocity after sysex - causes problems with Bitwig
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2018, 06:27:52 am »
Possible further evidence: disabling midi-out in Bitwig's controller settings for the Keylab makes the erroneously loud notes go away (in the settings both midi-in and midi-out point to "Keylab 88 Midi 1" by default). With midi-out disabled the sustain pedal won't trigger the mentioned LCD update (which is actually more like a short flicker, not sure what Bitwig's trying to do there), and the Keylab shows the pedal's value instead.


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