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Author Topic: a lot actually  (Read 2576 times)


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a lot actually
« on: July 07, 2017, 10:22:36 pm »

What i dont get is, tho:
When i use ADAT, there is no way to use SPDIF simultaineaously, neither wordclock. Thats totally annoying for my sense.
The capability of expanding my setup with my old firewire interface (which i cant use anymore due to no firewire on my laptop if not via ADAT),
was one of the main reasons i bought this fuss at first place. (haha ;)) )
But i really want to be able to use wordclock as well. there is a lot old gear that needs a clock and its said that i cant either choose between two spdif in/outs, 8 on adat or just the wordclock signal..

another HUGE complaint is the control center, it just feels sooo unfinished...
there are so many little things every other reasonable interface has implemented.
im just gonna start with the most obvious missing things:
- why dafuq is there no possibility to safe and recall mixing presets/snapshots ?
- no possibility to route your channels: i.e. you have to use your daw matrix/mixer to send the analog input data from the fuse via ADAT if you wanna use seperat outputs on an external device.
 its the  same with your inserts, i mean, hell yeah, its brilliant that you can have inserts, thats really a cool idea, and i know its just like on a regular mixer where u have fixed inserts for A certain channel, but it would have been smart tho, if u could put it to every chan u'd like (like phono).
- no 4.0 with the 4 included outputs, because u cannot just route directly to every single one, the switch is fixed and its either A or B.
- u have a usb hub and midi in/out but you cannot specify the routing of your midi signals throughout the usbhub if you wanna use the fuse in standalone mode.

some little more stuff:
- why do i need this weird rubber? if i wanna put the cap on top as protection its already blocked by the midi and adat outs, and if i put it there where it was from the start, it blocks the midi cables..
- its a bit narrow, some increase in size would have made it nicer for some bigger 1/4" jacks, happily i dont own some of those big fellas.
- i would love to remote control the adat via midi or mackiecontrol (or even with an app via wifi??)
-if you press the dim button too quickly it just wont work and the again u need two more presses to undim it..

so thats pretty all i got by now. it seems like arturia put some nice thoughts on workflow in it, that other interfaces (in this price range) dont or barely offer. but they forgot that there is some basic stuff that is JUST MANDATORY.

PLEEASE Let me route my signals in the control center and safe it for stand alone usage in a mix that i can SAFE AND RECALL. i just cant believe it, im still checking again and again if i missed some hidden buttons..Sry Arturia, but if i dont get a reply in the next 2 weeks about future plans for an update for a hardware matrix or at least some standard no latency routing possibilities, im going for RME


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