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Author Topic: Issue with faders midi assign in Mini V  (Read 2643 times)


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Issue with faders midi assign in Mini V
« on: June 30, 2017, 01:35:42 am »
Hi All,

I've been having varied success with midi assigning and faders in Mini V.

I have succeeded in assigning the knobs without problems but the faders will not assign in the manner suggested by the user manual. As a work around I succeeded in assigning the Filter attack to CC18 (P6) then reassigning f1 to cc18 - both the knob and fader then moved attack parameter - I then reassigned P6 to CC73 which is what the fader was on. I then attempted to reassign p6 (now on cc73) to control filter attack without success.

I successfully assigned F1 F2 F3 and F4 to control (on CCs 73 75 79 and 72) to control the VCA envelope on the Modular V without any problems.

I have also successfully assigned these faders to knob operations in Modular V.

(This is reposted in the Mini V forum)

Any ideas?

« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 01:37:27 am by DaveWT »


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