You will need two MIDI cords and three 8th inch to 8th inch cables: one MIDI cord goes from the BSP MIDI out to the Streichfett's MIDI in and one from the Streichfett MIDI out to the MIDI in on your TR8. This set up will have the BSP running clock and notes to the TR8, but you will need to set the TR8 to external sync to have the BSP and it running at the same tempo (with the BSP as the time master). If you want the TR8 to be the timing master, plug one of your MIDI cords from it's MIDI out to the BSP MIDI in and set the sync button on the BSP to "external".
You need to assign your MIDI channels. I know that the Streichfett's channel is assigned by pressing the panic combo (memory buttons 1, 2, 3 and 4 all at once) and sending a note to it. The channel that note is on will set the Streichfett's RX MIDI channel to match. So if you want the Streichfett to be controlled by Sequencer 2 on the BSP, choose Seq2 on the BSP, press and hold the panic button combo on the Streichfett then play a note on the BSP's pads.
I don't know how to set the MIDI channel on the TR8, but it's more than likely to be sitting on channel 10 already (unless you changed it since you bought it). And if all is well, the BSP should already be sending the drum sequencer on channel 10 (factory default for drums is channel 10 nearly always, unless the company is being a pain in the butt on purpose). So that should be nice and easy.
Finally the bit you really want to know! The 8th inch cables go from the BSP SEQ1 Pitch, Vel, and GATE, to the CV, VCA and Gate on your Hades respectively. You don't have to run them exactly like that, but it you want your BSP to play the Hades in a normal fashion, use that patching. If you want to be wild and crazy (in the streets!), connect the Hades via MIDI from the MIDI out on the TR8. Make sure the TR8 is echoing the MIDI received on it's input to it's MIDI out. Set the Hades to receive MIDI on channel 1. Now patch the 8th inch cable running to the CV to VCF. Plug the one going to the VCA to PW and unplug the Gate cable. Or for some real psychotic behaviour, use the first patching I described but then plug one of your 8th incher's from the Pitch out on SEQ2 of the BSP into the VCF of the Hades and the Vel of SEQ2 to the PW of the Hades. Get some y-splitter 8th inch cables and start mucking around with them. Plug the Y end into the Pitch outputs of both SEQ1 and 2 and the other end into CV on the Hades. It'll double up the voltages so drop the octaves of both the note sequencers (or only one of the or not at all). Try the same but put the single end into the VCF. With CV, the world is your oyster! Well it is until you get food poisoning from a Synthrotek drone box......