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Author Topic: [SOLVED -WIN10]Error of digital unsigned Driver during USB driver installation  (Read 7329 times)


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Hello Arturia,

a really fine and sexy product, this AudioFuse, but ...

I have problems during the installation of the USB driver: a message occurs (see screenshot, info is in german language) that says: "A digital signed driver is necessary. The installation of a driver without a digital signatur is blocked. ... (name of the driver: TUSBAudio Class Driver)."

To bring AudioFuse to work, i have to change the BIOS setting of "Secure Boot" into "deactivated" and then have to run a special routine with tricks like "Hold Shift while you click 'Restart' etc". I think this is not the elegant way :-)

Can you help me? Do you have digital signed TUSBAudio Class Driver?

My setup: HP Notebook 850 G3, i7, 32gb RAM, Win 10 64 bit – a machine without a problem except the connection of the AudioFuse interface.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 01:33:39 pm by Germain.arturia »


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Hi eeelstepper, and welcome on this board,
sorry you're encountering this driver issue.
in order for us to investigate further i have a few questions :
1 - Can you please tell me your exact windows 10 version?
2 - are you updating it regularly?
3 - did you plug the AudioFuse directly on your computer, or did you install AudioFUse control center first?

i'm asking question 2 because i had some betatesters which were on windows 7 ( not the case here for sure) but who were never downloading microsoft updates for some reasons. Updating windows solved their driver issue ( it was driver error code 52) at that time.
As they didn't want to do massive updates for their computers, after some research i found the precise update to install.
As you're on windows 10, it doesn't concern you. But maybe updating your windows 10 system, if not done yet, can maybe solve this one.
I'm asking question 3 ( sorry in advance if it's dumb) , because while it is class compliant for OSX, IOS, ANDROID and LINUX, you first have to isntall AudioFuse control center on windows machines, available here : https://www.arturia.com/support/updates&manuals and then connect your AudioFuse

If it happens each time, maybe looking into device manager could make you see the AudioFuse with a warning icon on it , and could display a driver code error.

For you're information i've been testing the product for many months now, especially on Windows 10 as it is my default setup in Arturia's office. I don't forget the other OS too :). But never met this driver issue on Windows 10.

Sorry again,
we'll keep an eye on this anyway,


« Last Edit: June 17, 2017, 03:54:50 pm by Germain.arturia »


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Hi Germain,
thx for your fast reply.

1- Windows 10 Pro 64 bit incl. Creators Update
2- always up to date
3- Here i may have done a mistake by plugging the AudioFuse directly on my notebook (i have been reading some reviews and watching some videos where the chorus was "plug and play without any drivers ..." or something like that). Later, when the first struggle was set, i was reading on page 14 of the manual that it is better to first install the driver and then connect the Audiofuse ... too late.

The device manager gives out no arrow or warning icon.

One question: I work with AudioFuse using the DC plug, so must there both of the ends of the USB cable be connected to my notebook or is it enough to use only the one with the thicker cable?



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HI eeelstepper,
thanks for your precisions,
i think the answer of question 3 is the key. Yes you have to install AudioFuse control center first.

about the "DC plug + one or two cables" question:
if you're using DC plug, the only thicker part of the usb cable ( with the USB logo on it) is enough. The fact of having 2 part-cable, is only for USB powering only, just like some external DVD writers etc...

About your driver issue, i'm having hard times to understand if this issue happens each time you're connecting you're AudioFuse or only the first time you did it. if it happens again , i suggest to remove the AudioFuse directly from device manager, and then reinstall AudioFuse control center



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Hi Germain,
thx for the cable info :-)

The situation was the way that since i have had plugged in the AudioFuse without the installation of the AudioFuse Control Center, i had no possibilities to get back to a clean system via deinstallation of the afterwards installed AudioFuse CC. I tried it, then restarted the computer, then first installed AudioFuse CC, after this plugged-in the AudioFuse, but ... it never come up to be recognized (Message in CC: "Please connect your AudioFuse."). I only get rid off this funky situation by using a complete backup of my system, then changing my BIOS to "Deactivated Secure Boot", then using a way of recreating the old "Yes, i like to use these unsigned driver" i have found in a forum (Win 10 Creators update strictly blocks unsigned driver) ... AND THEN it works: first installing AudioFuse CC, then plug in the interface, and everything is fine.

Greeez from sunny Cologne


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Hi, Glad this one is finally solved.
I'll keep an eye on consequences of this recent win 10 creators update.
From what i've quickly seen around the web, this particular update seems to lead to issues in some cases.
Thanks for your infos again, it sure helps.
Have fun with the AudioFuse :)

ps : i add a "solved" bracket on topic title.


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this happens to me. im on windows creator as well. im in the USA.

i dont do backups so i cant get to an earlier setup.

ive uninstalled and re installed the driver and the whole lot. i even added group policy to ignore the driver signing but this also bears no fruit.

all i see is the dimmed screen "please connect your audio fuse".
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 05:05:21 am by HomerChill »


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Hi HomerChill,
And welcome on this board.
Sorry you 're encountering this driver issue.

Just for information, can you please tell me if on thé very first time you connected the unit, you did install AudioFuse Control Center first ?
For Windows users, installation process must be done  in this specific order.

Another question, after uninstalling  everything,device and AFCC, did you respect the order mentioned above ?

And a final one, sorry in advance if It may be dumb, after reinstalling everything, did you connect :
- both plugs of the usb cable, in case of usb-only powering ?
- the thicker part of the usb cable (with usb logo on it) in case of dc plug + usb connection ?

For sure, we are investigating on this "creators update compatibility" issue, and will keep you aware about the results ASAP,

« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 07:28:08 am by Germain.arturia »


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This got so screwed up I ended up doing a clean install of windows on the PC. the PC is only used for music production so it wasn't a pain.

Arturia needs to be specific about exactly how to install this software and to make sure the drivers ARE signed.

to follow up on your post.

i installed the software FIRST before I even plugged up the machine.

once the software installed, it said something about disconnect and then reconnect the unit to finish up. Well, the AF was not even connected to the computer so this was a bit confusing.

anyway after i clicked yes to finish installing later, a box popped up stating the software was installed.

i then went to open it up and then that's when the driver box about it not being signed showed up...

i dont know what other way I could have done it.

i have 4 other computers but I am not about to setup the software on another PC so I will just install a clean windows on the PC in question.

just fyi i just got the windows 10 creator update within the last few days.. maybe this has something to do with all the shenanigans. 8)
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 08:02:32 am by HomerChill »


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Thanks HomerChill for this precise answer, it sure will help a lot in our investigations.
Can we consider it is running well on your setup now?
Thanks again,



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not yet....
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2017, 03:28:32 pm »
I did the clean install last night but have not loaded up things yet. This will be the first thing I load up in case I have any issues. :)


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Ok, looking forward to read you,  :)
Hope It will run fine.


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« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2017, 03:33:58 am »

so i did a clean install of windows PRO.

FIRST thing I loaded was this app!  :P

BUT.. before i installed, I went in and temp disabled driver signing. there is a way to dso this on the PC but holding down SHIFT key and clicking "RESTART" in the power menu.

from there you select the option to temp disable driver signing.

after that, the pc reboots.

download/install this software.

OPEN up the software AFTER install and BEFORE I plugged up the AF.

once the AF was installed, the dimmed AF screen came to life an acknowledged the  AF!!



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Hey Guys.

If you are facing this driver error, we have fixed it.

It will be implemented in the forthcoming AudioFuse Control Center update.

In the meantime, you can install the enclosed driver which fixes this issue.


Best Regards.



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pleased to see you guys have noticed this as an issue and made the fix to correct it.


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