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Author Topic: Volume button on FX going to MAX when I press stop and pause  (Read 3097 times)


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OK, here are a list of bugs I'm experiencing while using Analog Lab with Reaper:

1. Volume button on FX going to MAX when I press stop and pause
2. Every single time I press the stop button in the sequencer, all the fx max out all at once for like a split second, so it blows my eardrums out.
3. A.L. also crashes Reaper at times, randomly.
4. FX window showing up blank while using the VSTI3 option. The presets are there, but blank white fx screen..
5. FX doesn't seem to communicate with Reaper's bpm. So, no matter what I set it to, Analog Lab software continues at its own speed and pace..

is this JUST Analog Lab or JUST Reaper or a combo of both or what?? These are pretty huge bugs guys. Feeling very disappointed here.  >:(


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Re: Volume button on FX going to MAX when I press stop and pause
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2017, 12:38:01 am »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

You have posted in Analog Laboratory hardware forum that also have used Analog Laboratory softtware. You write about Analog Lab. And there is Analog Lab 2. What version are you talking about?
I assume it's a Analog Lab version as you mention VST3. Perhaps Analog Lab 2 as you seems to be a new user.
Perhaps it's best to post in the correct forums for the software you use to be seen easier.

About your point 5:
Many presets is not programmed to use MIDI SYNC. They will not respond to your DAWs bpm setting.

The rest of you issues i have no idea why they are happening. They should'nt happen.
In the softwares forum you might find some answers allready, that you can use.

Reapers transport buttons should not have any impact on Analog Labs buttons unless you somehow can and have coded something so that's possible.
I don't remember i have seen any reports on this.

Your crashes and your GUI issues should not be there.

Perhaps this needs to be elaborated to be able to reproduce.

But i don't have Reaper.


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