Ah yes, this is classic stuff! For that Silver Machine noise sweep, start with an Init patch, then:
- Switch off VCO 1 in the MIXER section so that both LED are dark
- Switch on noise in the MIXER section so that both LEDs are lit and turn the noise up to 3 o'clock
- In the VCF 1 STEINER filter section, set Cutoff to 9 o'clock, set Resonance to a little less than 3 o'clock and set Steiner Out to 3 o'clock
- In the VCF 2 LADDER filter section, set Cutoff to 9 o'clock, set Resonance to a little more than 3 o'clock and set Ladder Out to 3 o'clock
- In the WHEELS section, set Mod Wheel to Filter Cutoff
Now you can hit a key and adjust the engine thrust level with the Mod Wheel.
Since we're now hearing the Steiner filer, try turning down Steiner Out, and instead turn up Ladder out to sample the flavour of the Ladder. Next, try to turn up both filters for double the engine power if you dare! Further space vehicle propulsion research should include trying out the band pass (BP) modes of the filters, and then maybe the 12dB slope settings as well. You have now acquired a propulsion technology level far beyond that of the 70s. Search the Parameter Space to find your own optimal settings for the best interpretation. Before you know it you'll be worthy of piloting any of Fleet Admiral Brock's vessels.
If you want the LFO swept sound like in the very opening of Silver Machine:
- In the MOD matrix, assign LFO 1 to both Steiner cutoff and Ladder Cutoff, set the Mod Amount to 60 for both
- In the LFO 1 section, select the triangle or sine waveform and set Rate to 1 o'clock
You can now use both Mod Wheel and LFO 1 rate for the initial unstable vortex drive sound. The Hawkwind crew may (propbably!) have used an oscillator for that - in fact, from the mixing it sounds as if the LFO swept sound and the noise are two different synths. The MatrixBrute can do both in the same patch, but we can use the tuned noise to much the same effect for now.
The next level of advancement would be to assign a Macro knob to control how much LFO 1 affects the sound, so that you can perform the complete takeoff sequence from Silver Machine:
- In the Mod matrix, assign macro knob 4 (M4, bottom row) to LFO 1 AMT and set the Mod Amount to max (+99)
Edit: Also check out preset H13.
Good luck on your voyage Captain, and remember to watch out for stray black holes!