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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Keylab49 not found in AnalogLab/No MIDI device section in preferences  (Read 2709 times)


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I'm trying to connect my KeyLab49 to AnalogLab according to the manual. In the manual it says "The audio&MIDI settings window has a section labeled "MIDI Devices"" only there's no such section anywhere to be found  :-\

The keys and pads seem to be working (they light up etc when connected with USB cable) but in Analoglab or Ableton there's nothing.

Does anyone know what might be my problem?
Thankful for any help!

ben arturia

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The audio midi settings are available only in Standalone mode.
When you're using AnalogLab 2 inside your DAW you must configure your DAW and that's normal that you don't have access to the AudioMidi settings menu. When in a DAW it's handled by your DAW.


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