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Author Topic: Changing MIDI channel (recall keyboard preset) with Snapshot buttons  (Read 6752 times)


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I couldn't find any info how to recall keyboard presets with a Snapshot buttons but noticed I can change their mode to Keyboard Memory which does exactly this.

1. First download the old version of MIDI Control Center for Analog Experience keyboard. There is a bug in the new version that seems to load Snapshot button values in the wrong order (at least on Mac, not tested on Windows)
2. In MIDI Control Center change the Snapshot button(s) mode to Keyboard Memory and set the Memory Number to the keyboard preset you want to recall.
3. Change MIDI channel (and any other parameters) and store the changes in required memory locations. Also overwrite the default keyboard preset (no. 00) from the hardware (default preset is the one that loads after keyboard is powered off/on - it doesn't look like it can be changed from the MIDI Control Center)

Note that once you recall a keyboard preset the Snapshot buttons mode will be overwritten as well. So what I did first was to change all the Snapshot buttons mode and store it to all the memories before any other changes. Remember to overwrite the default keyboard preset as well (no. 00) from the hardware.

There are some bugs/issues with the keyboard firmware and MIDI Control Center:
- Pitch wheel always transmit data on MIDI channel 1. I read somewhere on the forum that it should follow the Upper MIDI Channel but that is not working and there is no way to change it manually in the MIDI Control Center or from the keyboard.
- I thought the Working Memory in MIDI Control Center was the default preset (no. 00) and any changes synced back to keyboard would be stored - that doesn't seem to be the case and when keyboard is powered off and on the preset 00 from hardware is recalled. As far as I can see the only way to make the changes permanent is to store them to preset 00 from the hardware.

Hope this helps anyone still using those keyboards. Unfortunately there is still quite a lot of bugs and problems with them and Arturia obviously moved on to newer products. I'm not sure of the updated KeyLab keyboards are any better in terms of firmware and MIDI Control Center. Looking at the images they seem to be the same, just with slightly different layout and few more controls.

Only few newer keyboards (MiniLab MKII, KeyStep, Keylab Essential) allow to change MIDI channels on the fly with dedicated shortcuts. If you need that functionality I would consider those or look elsewhere.


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Re: Changing MIDI channel (recall keyboard preset) with Snapshot buttons
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2017, 12:18:32 am »
Thanks for this post - I've owned the Analogue Experince 49 for some time but am only now getting to use it with V collection and other plugins in LPX.

A question -  you say to download an old verion of Midi Control Centre - but which version ( for Mac)? Also - will it be possible to run an old version along side the current version - needed for BeatStepPro for example?

I wonder if you might also answer the following questions as Im reading the manual and find it incredibly sparse - and hence why I was checking this forum!:

How do you assign Cc numbers to the 4 analogue experience 49 pads, aftertouch and brath controller, knobs and faders?

Am i perhaps out of date in needing this and is it more a case of using plugin midi controller learn features and then moving the controller on the experince 49 for the plugin to detect it? And if so, will the plugin remember those assignments into the future?

Overall, any advice you can offer on how to use the Arturia Experience 49 as a general midi controller for 3rd party plugins would be very helpful as I can't picture how this keyboard connects to plugins - from assigning it cc's, to saving configurations - where?).

As just one example of confusion in the manual, it says ( about what Ithink is setting the transit MIDI channel) andI quote "set the midi channel to transmit data for a specific item"

what specific item do they mean - why are they saying that, or is this perhaps just bad english terminology?

Finally, haven't a clue what the Num, NRPN and RPN stuff is all about, not the min and max LSB. and MSB parameters - why are they given so much space in the manual while at the same time the basics I asked above are not addressed at all in order to use the experience 49 as a generic midi controller for third part sample libraries and plugins.

Long post I know but Im finding this controller to be very confusing, with esentially minimal if non existent user manual or tutorials for it.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 12:25:25 am by knolan »


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Re: Changing MIDI channel (recall keyboard preset) with Snapshot buttons
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2017, 01:52:10 am »
So after reading your posts, i find that it was not only me that couldnt get detailed and simple tutorial. Been using and playing on different softwares for years, and since I bought the keylab 88 with analog lab 2...its been a real pain to understand it quickly. I havent been able to find many video tutorials, and none with your exact question, on how to assing presets to buttons.
Maybe for experienced users can be easy...but for us new users this is more and more frustrating.

Beside from the user manual...any other help suggested? thanks!


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