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Author Topic: Keyboard Follow (K1,K2..LFO?)  (Read 1991 times)


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Keyboard Follow (K1,K2..LFO?)
« on: March 04, 2017, 08:58:39 pm »
In the Oscillator Driver there's a key follow option. The 4 Key follow options and OFF makes sense. But what is LFO?
The Manual vaguely talks about this, saying its helpful when the oscillator is used as a modulator but then what is the difference when key follow is OFF? I tried setting the OSC to a Lo value and use it as an LFO modulating another parameter and the difference between OFF & LFO is just that one is a bit faster than the other.
Anyone know what's going on here?


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Re: Keyboard Follow (K1,K2..LFO?)
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2017, 10:39:48 pm »
If you for example take a poly sound using OSC 1, and then use OSC 4 for LFO to modulate OSC 1 frequency, then if you for example set OSC 4 to keyfollow to "no" and play two notes - one after the other - and hold both notes, then you perhaps will hear the LFO modulation  is'nt in sync for the two notes, but if you set OSC 4 keyfollow to "LFO" then the two notes have the same LFO phase/ synced modulation no matter when you play the notes, -  because it will act monophonic as i guess the manual mean.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 10:53:02 pm by LBH »


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