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Author Topic: Do custom MIDI CC assignments save with each preset?  (Read 5351 times)


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Do custom MIDI CC assignments save with each preset?
« on: February 24, 2017, 12:00:50 am »

I have searched the VC5 / Modular V3 forums but haven't found anything on this subject yet.

Does anybody know, if you go to MIDI assign in the upper right corner and do some custom controller assignments, does this information get stored with each preset? Or does it get stored only for the entire Modular V3 install on each computer?

I am hoping it is stored with each preset, because I am doing some custom assignments with my Keylab 49, and I would like to be able to send a preset to a friend that also has a KeyLab, and have the MIDI assignments automatically work on theirs.


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Re: Do custom MIDI CC assignments save with each preset?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2017, 12:58:38 am »
I believe MIDI learn is Global settings for the instrument. But perhaps you can use this: Manual section "3.2.10 MIDI controller configuration."
If you export a MIDI Config i guess you can give your friend a copy to import.

I haven't used this feature. But if it works like i hope and think, then you can actually make a map for each preset. I guess it require both your controllers have the same CC numbers set up for each control. And if the MIDI mapping is different for each preset, then a new map has to be exported and posted and then imported for each new preset.

As said i don't know if this works, but i thought i would give you this input, in case it do work, and there's no other options. Perhaps it's worth a try.

BTW: I would export and save the current settings also before making changes, so it's possible to get the same settings again.

It would be a great feature though, if there was an option to save a CC mapping with a preset. Perhaps to export a Midi map when a preset is saved, and to load the map as the preset is loaded. Don't know. Perhaps it need some thinking.


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Re: Do custom MIDI CC assignments save with each preset?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2017, 05:52:38 pm »
I believe MIDI learn is Global settings for the instrument.

That's too bad..I was hoping to be able to control multiple instances of Modular V simultaneously with the same controller.


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Re: Do custom MIDI CC assignments save with each preset?
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2017, 06:11:48 pm »
Have you tried?

I don't know, but perhaps you at least can load a configuration for each instrument instance.

Try and save 2 presets and 2 Modular Midi configurations so that each preset use the different Midi configurations you wan't.

Then load a instrument instance with one preset and load the corresponding Modular Midi configuration for that preset.

Then do the same for a second instrument instance.

Just a suggestion. Perhaps it's possible.
EDIT: After some thinking, then i wonder if this can create a conflict. But perhaps it'll work anyway. EDIT END
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 06:28:49 pm by LBH »


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Re: Do custom MIDI CC assignments save with each preset?
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2017, 08:56:13 pm »
I was thinking that you might also have a easier way to do what you wan't to do  in your DAW.
I have possibilities in my DAW to assign a few macro controls to control multiple different parameters in multiple instruments.

And perhaps there excist a software that can assign a control to different parameters. Perhaps also for use with stand alone applications.
Perhaps someone know where to find such a tool?

Off coarse others need to have the same tools to do the same.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 09:00:02 pm by LBH »


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