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Author Topic: iMini with Breath Controller  (Read 6078 times)


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iMini with Breath Controller
« on: February 18, 2017, 11:07:12 am »
I'm beta-testing a new Midi harmonica, the DM48. Here is a demo video I did for it, which has generated quite a bit of interest:

I intend to do a new video demonstrating the DM48 with iPad synth apps. I've been trying a few and love the sounds iMini the best. It's the one I want to feature in the video, but I'm having trouble getting the best Midi connection. IMini recognises the DM48 in Midi Learn, sending on CC2. Then I'm directed to the greyed-out screen to select a knob to select.

This is where I am confused. I need the best one for recognising the expression I get from minimum to strong breath. Apps like Magellan are easy to set up for Midi CC2 but iMini is not clear. I get a sound but there is no volume expression from breath.

Any other wind-synth players using iMini? Or can anyone else help?



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Re: iMini with Breath Controller
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2018, 12:10:14 pm »
Can you explain more or recommend a good resource?


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