Mine still has the original firmware and the glide can definitely be activated for the upper part in duophonic mode, did the recent update break that ?
I'd really like the matrixbrute to remember its last state when turned on (current preset, including buffered edits, panel on/off switch etc), and a way to switch between the original and the edited sound would also be welcome.
I already asked about adding midi tuning standard support without getting any answer, being stuck in 12-tet feels like a big step back for me, despite the amazing sound palette.
I agree about the matrix, 4 user programmable destinations isn't much

Another somehow related regret : duophonic and paraphonic modes aren't exploitable thru cv/gate (it would have solved both my free intonation and polyphonic needs, and as it is even monophonic sounds relying on the 3 vcos can't be exploited : vco3 frequency control is missing)…
ps : there's a annoying bug in the kb/seq source, it ignores the legato setting option (always interpreted as "on").