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Author Topic: Beatstep and MicroKorg secret handshake  (Read 3750 times)


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Beatstep and MicroKorg secret handshake
« on: January 20, 2017, 04:05:24 am »
(posted this in the technical forum, but nobody seemed to be seeing it)

So I'm trying to get my BeatStep Pro to work with my MicroKorg. I'm very new to the sequencer / synth world, so I'm missing out on a lot of the lingo, which makes it extremely hard for met to go down the right path via googling. I've got as far as (obviously) connecting them via the MIDI in / out, and I can get a sequence going, but it's only using one type of sound from the MicroKorg, and it seems that I'm unable to manipulate or choose the sound with neither the BeatStep nor the MicroKorg. I've gone into the MIDI Control Center and I see that some of the names on the CC list seem to correspond with the controls on the MicroKorg, and have played around with mapping to different knobs, but nothing seems to work.

Ideally, I'd like to be sequencing the microkorg and be able to choose my saved MicroKorg sounds, or maybe edit those sounds, maybe use the modulation wheels, turn the arpeggiator on and off, etc., via the BeatStep, or at least be able to do the same on the MicroKorg while the BeatStep is running.

Does this make sense to anyone? Any nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!


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Re: Beatstep and MicroKorg secret handshake
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2017, 11:51:36 am »
I think you should investigate the BSP's CONTROL MODE.. when in that mode, the BSP can be used as a generic MIDI controller whereby you can assign many different kinds of functions to the available knobs and buttons on the right side of your BSP.

For example, I've got my top 8 knobs assigned to send Program Change messages to my various synths that have presets. One of the nice things of the CONTROL MODE is that switching to it doesn't affect the playing status of the sequencers. You can switch backwards and forwards between normal playing and CONTROL MODE..
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