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Author Topic: V-Collection 5 Pitch Bend Not Smooth  (Read 2572 times)


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V-Collection 5 Pitch Bend Not Smooth
« on: January 17, 2017, 01:58:33 am »
Hello friends at the Arturia forum,

I just upgraded from V-Collection 3 to 5, and I'm noticing that the pitch bend does not sound smooth like it did in previous versions. I can hear distinct semi-tones, not like a true bend.  So far I have noticed this in Mini V3 and Modular V3.  Any assistance would be appreciated.


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Re: V-Collection 5 Pitch Bend Not Smooth
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2017, 07:19:00 pm »
Hello friends at the Arturia forum,

I just upgraded from V-Collection 3 to 5, and I'm noticing that the pitch bend does not sound smooth like it did in previous versions. I can hear distinct semi-tones, not like a true bend.  So far I have noticed this in Mini V3 and Modular V3.  Any assistance would be appreciated.

Do you have the latest updates of the applications? If not, then please update to rule that out.

Can you be more specific please?
Do you have the issue in all V5 applications aor only in Mini V3 and Modular V3 - and in all presets?
When you have the issue, are you certain it's semitones?
Please be specific on what application that do what. Also adding preset examples can be useful.

Do you have the issue in both standalone mode and when used as plug-ins? What DAW are you using?
Informations about your OS can also be needed.


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Re: V-Collection 5 Pitch Bend Not Smooth
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2017, 02:55:47 am »
Thank you for the response.  It appears to be an issue with Analog Lab 2 in my DAW (Sonar X1).  The problem does not occur in individual applications (standalone or DAW) or Analog Lab 1.  I've always used the V Collection with Sonar, so I'm not sure what's causing this in Analog Lab 2.  All applications are up to date.  My OS is Windows 10.


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Re: V-Collection 5 Pitch Bend Not Smooth
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2017, 05:21:55 am »
Your welcome.

I  use Windows 10 Home. But not Sonar.
I use VST3.

I can't confirm your semi-tone pitchbend issue.
But it can be DAW specific, it can be preset specific, and it can be plug-in type specific.
Some presets may use Glissando/ Quantizing, and then it's not a fault.

Do you use VST3?

I can check about presets if you name factory presets where you have this issue. If you have the issue in all presets and use VST3, then i can't confirm.
Then it perhaps can be a DAW specific issue. If so Arturia or others might be able to check.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2017, 05:35:43 am by LBH »


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Re: V-Collection 5 Pitch Bend Not Smooth
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2017, 02:39:04 am »
I installed everything from V Collection 5 as VST3.  The pitch bend does not sound right on any presets in Analog Lab 2.  Glissando is the word I was looking for to describe it, but it can't be that because the bend sounds normal when using the individual applications or Analog Lab 1.  I will have to contact Arturia.  Thanks again


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