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Author Topic: External Eurorack Module Problem  (Read 1737 times)


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External Eurorack Module Problem
« on: December 10, 2016, 09:04:24 pm »
Hello to everyone!

At first: I am a MicroBrute Newbie.
and second: sorry about my bad English.

What i have:
Software - Some DAWs (LogicPro, Reaper) and some SoftSynths
Hardware - USB-MIDI Interface, Dreadbox Erebus, Eurorack Module "MFB Triple VCO", Döpfer LFO A145, a Novation Ultranova - and yes, a MicroBrute
The Erebus have a build in Midi to CV Interface

What i plan to do:
Use the MicroBrute to trigger my analog Modules without using the Computer or (coverter)interfaces.

The way i did it before:
1.) Ultranova->MIDI out->Dreadbox Erebus and via CV out to the Module (MFB) - and back to erebus
or 2.) DAW->USB-Midi Interface->Dreadbox Erebus and via CV out to the Module (MFB) - and back to erebus

This worked fine, but i have a lot to connect and some bad cable-mazes on my desktop empy a beer before i did it...

I thought it would be easy to connect external modules to the MicroBrute.
Yes, sure, its easy to connect: you have to put in a single cable.
But the result? Horrible!!!

What i have done:
Microbrute: PitchOut->CV in (MFB Triple VCO)
MFB: Out->Audio In (Micro)

I have turned the Input Gain on the MicroBrute about 1/4 to the right so to hear something, and the Output level of the MFB about to 1/8 - all above will OVERDRIVE ENORMOUS! Like there is a Distortion or Fuzz Filter active...

This was a realy long story and here is the final question:
Is the MicroBrute generally able to speak to analog Modules or is this a beside feature?
(I mean send out CV and receive Audio)

thanks a lot for your answers!


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