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Author Topic: Sequencer issues  (Read 1861 times)


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Sequencer issues
« on: November 21, 2016, 10:53:25 pm »
My microbrute's sequencer is acting relly strange. I will record a sequence, and it can play back, but when I go to change the bpm, it locks to just 3 different bpm options, I can't fine tune it at all. it's either like 60, 120, or 240, that's it. The tap tempo doesn't work either. I connect it to the microbrute connection software, but I don't see the problem. i know the sequencer is a common place for issues on the microbrute, but I haven't heard of this type of issue with it anywhere else. Any thoughts?


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Re: Sequencer issues
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2016, 11:43:40 pm »
I've seen the sequencer behave like that when I have my drum machine's MIDI connected to it.
It seems like any time the MB sees MIDI timing information, it goes into "time divider" mode.
Try unplugging the MIDI cable and turning the brute off/on again to reset it.
For a more permanent solution, figure out which device is transmitting MIDI clock, and keep the signal from reaching the brute however makes sense in your studio.


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