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Author Topic: after touch  (Read 2311 times)


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after touch
« on: October 26, 2016, 08:22:08 pm »
The after touch on the Keylab 49 takes about 1/2 second before actually responding.  There is an actual delay after applying pressure to the key before it responds with the after touch midi message.  This makes it absolutely unusable for many applications.

I use after touch a lot and have done so on many keyboards and have never seen this kind of response.  In addition... and I understand this may be more of personal preference, but again I have never seen it before in other keyboards.. the after touch is extremely sensitive. So it can be activated  by what I would consider just regular playing.. without really digging in to press down on the key.  It would be great at least if there was an adjustment for the sensitivity..But as it stands now, the combination of these two things makes the after touch not usable for me.


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