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Author Topic: ORIGIN WILL NOT BOOT UP - with replacement Origin Rear  (Read 5632 times)


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ORIGIN WILL NOT BOOT UP - with replacement Origin Rear
« on: October 06, 2016, 09:27:29 am »
My tech has installed the (new?) replacement rear board (re Case 294729), the voltage has progressed further than before (good news) - However The Origin will NOT BOOT UP (Bad news). - No screen display or encoder activity..... and NO SOUND OUT

Is there any procedure to follow, ie a factory reset ?

If the replacement board is faulty, is there a diagnostic process we could use to test the board.

Many Thanks


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Re: ORIGIN WILL NOT BOOT UP - with replacement Origin Rear
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2016, 09:12:25 am »
Hi Emerson,
Sorry to hear about this problem.

How are the LEDs?
If you look at the screen almost parallel to the Origin surfaces do you see a ghost image?
Can you check that the Origin is recognised as a MIDI device by your host computer?
Can you send me the logs files generated by Origin Connection when it tries to connect to your Origin?

Origin Lead  Developer


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Re: ORIGIN WILL NOT BOOT UP - with replacement Origin Rear
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2019, 04:40:01 pm »

I see that you've had problems with your Origin some time ago.
I accidentally killed my Origin Desktop 3 weeks ago and desperately looking for a faulty one for parts.

I emailed arturia asking for the diagram but I didn't get it. So chances of repair are very low.

I was hoping to find a donor somewhere, but there is really no faulty ones on ebay or reverb.

Please let me know if you by any chance have a faulty unit and would like to sell it for parts or have access to the schematics.

Here or d3x AT

Regards, Dex


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