EDITED- I changed my config since the Boomerang does pass midi thru. I thought I had put it in the right mode but I had not (this is really easy to mistake since the modes are differentisted by a "bright" orange vs a "dim" orange light)
Hey everyone. I'm trying to set everything up in my small home studio so everything is always connected and ready to go-- a common goal for musicians of all stripes that can be pretty infuriating when there is that *one* piece of the puzzle that refuses to fit into place and do what it is frickin told.
In my case at the meoment that one piece seems to be the BSP
MSI GS60 Ghost Pro Laptop
Windows 10
MOTU UltraLite mk3 Hybrid (MIDI I/O to computer via USB port)
-midi in from midi keyboard
-midi out to beatbuddy
Singular Sound BeatBuddy
-midi in from MOTU
-midi out (set to midi MERGE, = thru + out) to Eventide H9
Eventide H9
-midi in from BeatBuddy
-midi out (set to midi MERGE, = thru + out) to Boomerang III
Boomerang III Phrase Sampler
-midi in from H9
-midi out (set to midi MERGE, = thru + out) to Korg
Korg MS2000R
-midi in from Boomerang
-midi thru to Zillion
Future Retro Zillion
-midi in from Korg
-midi out to MOTU
Artutria BeatStep Pro (MIDO I/O to computer via powered USB hub)
I thought since the BSP has USB MIDI and din MIDI that I could use the MIDI ports to communicate through the BSP to the ZIllion and the Korg on separate MIDI channels with Reaper. But the BSP only seems to communicate on the channels designated to its three sequencers. I can play the Zillion through the Korg if the BSP Zillion and Korg are all on the same channel, and the MIDI also goes back into Reaper, but that's not what I want.
If there are any workarounds or tricks to getting the BSP to do what arguably it should be able to do, which is pass MIDI through, I would love to hear. Otherwise I will have to get some kind of MIDI interface for this stuff. I thought I was clever enough to avoid needing one, but apparently the BeatStep Pro is somewhat less than clever.