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Author Topic: Jupiter 8v3 Domo Arigato Where is Legato?  (Read 8833 times)


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Jupiter 8v3 Domo Arigato Where is Legato?
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:57:32 am »
Okay, I've waited for years hoping that one day the update would come... the attention to detail from Arturia is amazing, such great products and the additional features that make the old classics fit right in to the new world of music.

Love these Guys!

But... how could the most basic feature that the original Jupiter 8 had (solo Legato) get missed for all these years? The JP-8 defaulted to this when in solo mode. All the Jupiter 8v's retrigger every other note in "Solo Mode"... not every note, but every 2nd note... not musical at all I almost have to say near useless.

In a perfect world Legato would default in solo and Unison mode on the 8v's and a retrigger option for every note, not every 2nd note, in both modes.

I never see anyone on the net ever post this so it must not be very important to anyone but me.

Having said all that I have to say that the new V's are incredible with the new browsers and resizable GUI's Great Job Arturia!



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Re: Jupiter 8v3 Domo Arigato Where is Legato?
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2016, 03:01:31 pm »
Okay, I've waited for years hoping that one day the update would come... the attention to detail from Arturia is amazing, such great products and the additional features that make the old classics fit right in to the new world of music.

Love these Guys!

But... how could the most basic feature that the original Jupiter 8 had (solo Legato) get missed for all these years? The JP-8 defaulted to this when in solo mode. All the Jupiter 8v's retrigger every other note in "Solo Mode"... not every note, but every 2nd note... not musical at all I almost have to say near useless.

In a perfect world Legato would default in solo and Unison mode on the 8v's and a retrigger option for every note, not every 2nd note, in both modes.

I never see anyone on the net ever post this so it must not be very important to anyone but me.

Having said all that I have to say that the new V's are incredible with the new browsers and resizable GUI's Great Job Arturia!


I have been around a real Jupiter 8 a long time ago. I can't remember about the legato.
But Jupiter 8 owners manual don't mention anything about legato. The manual say this about Solo mode: "This Mode allows solo playing using special solo synthesizer tecniques such as holding one key while alternating another to get tight fast trills."
This perhaps suggest that Solo mode was not legato without retrigger - but with retrigger.
However, then a option in JUP-8 for legato without retrigger would be nice.

The manual say this about Unison Mode: " Unison Mode assigns the maximum number of synthesizers available to each key played. All 8 synthesizers will be assigned to any one key pressed, dividing to four each for two keys, and so on until eight notes are played with one synthesizer each."
So this also suggest there is no legato without retrigger for this mode. In fact i would say it have to be retrigger.
However an option in JUP-8 to play UNISON like mono and then also an option to play it legato without retrigger would be very velcome too.

Are you certain about the legato was a basic feature in the real Jupiter 8. Can you tell where i can see/ read it?

EDIT: You are right there are something going on in UNISON mode that's wrong. It's random. Sometimes UNISON mode turn of, and sometimes a second played note kills a previous note that's held down.  This to me is a bug. EDIT end.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 03:15:09 pm by LBH »


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Re: Jupiter 8v3 Domo Arigato Where is Legato?
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2016, 10:35:16 pm »
Hey LBH,

Yes, I am sitting here with the real Jupiter 8 That I purchased new in the day and Yup... It has legato Solo but synth companies didnt mention that much back then because almost all defaulted to legato... MS-20's, Ob-8, OB-X, OB-8a, Mini moog had a switch as you know BUT did not retrigger every 2nd note like is also a flaw with the Mini V it retriggered every note when legato was off as I also sit here with a real Mini.

The unison on the JP-8 did retrigger every note... it would be nice, as you said, if a future mod could make it selectable as Arturia has done this on the Modular & Prophet... Same is true with the SEM V it retriggers every other note which no synths ever did (mono synths anyway). The SEM V also suffers from no legato & no Unison.

I dont mean to sound down on Arturia because what they have accomplished is outstanding! Thank you God for Arturia! Just saying some very basic ways synths operated have been overlooked... strange.

Later, My Friend!



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Re: Jupiter 8v3 Domo Arigato Where is Legato?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2016, 12:47:36 am »

I wonder why you don't use the hardware when you are so lucky to have it. :)

Envy a side. Perhaps Arturia will respond.



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Re: Jupiter 8v3 Domo Arigato Where is Legato?
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2016, 01:35:28 am »
My JP-8 was one of the 1st. I got it appx 2 months after its release so no midi or, I think it was called, DCB (Digital Control Bus) interface that made it possible to mod to midi. So when I write & record songs I use Arturia as its very convenient but I will, on the last takes after finding the right sound, come back in & do the real take on the real JP.
Ive found that you can actually use the Arturia patch & copy it visually to the JP-8 & its very close to the V patch except the JP has a shine to it that just isn't possible quite yet software wise.

To those that want a real Jupiter 8...
I have done alot of experimenting with the real thing vs the V and I have to say the V is a Masterpiece of software! Remember the JP-8 didn't have velocity, aftertouch, on board FX, 32 voices that are selectable and now with the re-sizable GUI and Killer Browser it dont get much better... except for solo legato, solo unison with selectable legato & retrigger & LFO modulation working on low freq of VCO 2 .

When you can spend 400 bucks or less for $80,000 plus worth of gear and get that analog Fix satisfied, I say do it!



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Re: Jupiter 8v3 Domo Arigato Where is Legato?
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2016, 02:02:35 am »
Ive found that you can actually use the Arturia patch & copy it visually to the JP-8 & its very close to the V patch except the JP has a shine to it that just isn't possible quite yet software wise.

How do it work/ sound the other way around?

I have tried to create a patch on JUP-8 from the Original Jupiter 8 factory patch book, and it was for some reason far from the exspected
 I can't tell if it's the patchbook settings that's not like the sound it should be according to a website with sound examples of all the original factory patches.

I agree Virtual synths have some forces.


« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 02:04:12 am by LBH »


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Re: Jupiter 8v3 Domo Arigato Where is Legato?
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2016, 04:01:12 am »
The other way around works pretty good. I didnt think so at 1st but its like it gets you into the ball park but you have to mess with it a bunch & you can get pretty close. Sometimes you can stumble onto something better too.

It's weird, I'll mess with the soft synths & tweek & tweek and come across a great sound & then go over to the Jp-8 & fire it up and it will be on what normally might be a lame kind of sound but it just sounds so alive even without choruses delays & distortions same with most analogs. The Juno 106 is so lush its one of the greatest cheap synths of all time, its got midi but not only that it can send out slider info from every slider & get recorded in you DAW... Like its own control surface built in. I like to have a Juno track & then go back make a control track for the juno in real time... very cool.

In the 80's everybody started going digital getting the DX's & EMU's & sampling was starting to be the thing. I would look at the classified section of the newspapers & see, for instance, a Mini Moog, go to the guys house, & he got a new DX & thought his Mini was Obsolete. So I would hand over $150 & boom I had the synth that I always wanted but couldn't afford at $1500. Then an OB 2 voice popped up $250... and so on. I knew that these synths were great in their day so why not now. So I got a lot of the classics for dirt when everyone thought they were history. I bet they're kicking themselves now. I even found a Jupiter 6 for $100 I thought the guy was nuts. I ended up selling that one, I wish I hadn't... it had midi.

Later Friend!



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Re: Jupiter 8v3 Domo Arigato Where is Legato?
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2016, 02:20:50 pm »
Thanks Ram.

I have had my share of hardware synths and some friends others. They are now sold or broken. I don't have room for so many keyboards anymore either.
I have had a Juno-106 too and for instance both a Jupiter 4 and a JX-10P. And i have for instance played Jupiter 8, Polymoog, Minimoog and Prodigy.
I find Software useful because you have lot's of possibilities not using that much space. But i often miss some certain sounds and the character from the hardware synths even if i can get many other sounds from software and the character they have.



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Re: Jupiter 8v3 Domo Arigato Where is Legato?
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2018, 04:43:54 pm »
necro-bumping -

this week I was trying to recreate the lead patch from Queen - I Want to Break Free solo, and comparing with Roland Jupiter-8 plugin, Jupiter-8 doesn't retrigger ENV1 always when playing legato in solo mode.

It would be a nice addition to Arturia Jup-8V

(Couldn't program the patch, lol).


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