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Author Topic: Advice - Need some real demos of the Matrix Brute  (Read 3174 times)


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Advice - Need some real demos of the Matrix Brute
« on: July 05, 2016, 03:08:11 am »
For the record, about 2 days after I first saw the Matrix Brute, I had one on pre-order.  I know I'm going to love it.  I really do believe in Arturia as a company filled with passionate people about their product.  I love the "brute" sound, and really like the direction that Arturia are taking true analog synths.  They are avoiding the cliches, avoiding what the rest of the world is doing in the classical format.  I dare say that these Brutes could be the next gen of EMS-inspired synths.  No matter the case, I am truly thankful for my MicroBrute sitting along side of my BeatStep Pro, and having them sing along with the plethora of analog/virtual synths I surround myself with on a daily basis.  And for the record, the MircoBrute often takes center stage!

I want to share some constructive feedback, some of which is personal, and some which is what I'm reading on a lot of forums (gearslutz, Muff Wigger, KVR).  My only reason for providing this feedback is because I really want Arturia and the Matrix Brute to be as successful as it deserves to be.  I'm doing a search on the Matrix Brute every day, looking for any mentions coming up in the past 24 hours.

One thing that has come up very often in various forums is that it looks amazing, and it "sounds" amazing "on paper", but so far from all the NAMM, et al video footage that we have seen, people are starting to get this "I haven't seen this synth sound "good" yet".  Lots of noodling, lots of farts and wobbles, but nothing that a good part of the analog-loving population would want to put to a proud musical composition.  Personally, I'm all for the modulation stratosphere of pops, glubs and wiggles, but it is perhaps not the best way to convince people to spend a significant amount of their money.  All understandable that the Synth is still in prototype phase, but 3 to 5 patches of some true sound design could have brought in so many more customers to really hear what this synth can do.

My personal feedback; the video with the bald guy is horrendous.  The synth itself is so low in the mix and seems to take no center stage whatsoever, it almost give the impression that there's something to hide, or something embarrassing about the product.  Compare it to the Mini/Microbrute video.  Damn, Sebastian on the BeatStep Pro with all those Micros and Minis, THAT is how you sell a product.  It was the center stage.  Totally brilliant!!

TL:DR - Get a video up with a real sound designer/player to give the world an honest glimpse of what we are all really looking for.  And cut your losses and pull that "band jam" video (is there really a synth there in the mix???) to rest, and replace it with something that lets the synth itself take center stage.  There are no 16 year olds that will be buying this product due to seeing cool guys in a band playing on a stage.  This synth is for adults that work hard for their money.  Show us what we are getting with our hard earned cash! :)

I hope I don't sound too agressive.  I truly love you guys, and your passion towards pushing the analog market is really inspiring.  Maybe just have a quick chat with your marketing/PR staff ;)


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Re: Advice - Need some real demos of the Matrix Brute
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2017, 05:24:17 pm »
Well, here is a series of videos taken during a short session with the MatrixBrute back in November.

They also feature a couple of paraphonic sounds and duo-split patches.

And of course there is the new official MatrixBrute video by Arturia:
"But please don't listen to me
I've already been poisoned by this industry!"
Funk Pop a Roll - XTC


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