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Author Topic: Octave mapping Vox Continental V2 organ  (Read 3685 times)


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Octave mapping Vox Continental V2 organ
« on: July 04, 2016, 09:45:05 pm »
Hi there,

There are some strange things with the octave mapping on this wonderful instrument:

1. when you take an 8" stop on both upper and lower manual there is a difference of an octave when you press the same key on upper and lower manual in the stand alone version with your mouse. They should be identical with the top manual having the right tuning.

2. When I hook up my Yamaha Electone organ through midi (no split points) I see another phenomenon: the cental C's are equal in tone but one octave too high. Well, at least they sound equal in tone but looking on my screen I see the same octave difference as described in (1). Though the preferences window I can shift both manuals one octave down (both -1) buth then I am missing the lowest octave on my lower manual because there is no sound mapped here?

My guess is that either the original Vox was different in itself with the result as above, or Arturia has shifted some octaves leading to some confusing results. At least the screen and my electone behaviour does not correspond.  Or am I making a mistake?

Cheers, Mark


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