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Author Topic: VCO modulation knobs show deceptive current value  (Read 1935 times)


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VCO modulation knobs show deceptive current value
« on: July 02, 2016, 10:28:44 am »
Not a big thing...

SEM V1 data display for modulation knob would show the parameter and the % of mod   e.g. 'PWM: 42% or 'Freq: 6.4%

V2 does not - it only shows a pos or neg % -  which implies that modulation of freq has a negative value, while modulation of pulse width is a positive value.
That's incorrect in terms of synthesis, and misleading to the users as to what this dual function pot is doing.

Could the old V1 style of current value/data display be used instead?  - it was very accurate.

The VCO 1, 2 and Ext knobs suffer from the same thing. They are all inaccurate as to what the knob is doing.

cheers Jeffrey
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 08:37:09 am by jeffbart »
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