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Author Topic: Sequencer LIghts not present  (Read 2076 times)


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Sequencer LIghts not present
« on: July 01, 2016, 04:16:26 pm »
HI, have any of you noticed this happening before?

I was trying to figure out how the preset Bellupo 2 works and was using the sequencer to trigger the notes instead of the keyboard.

I was flipping backwards and forwards between presets to undo my changes after experimenting when the lights on the sequencer went out including the lfo one and the sequencer stalled and would not work.

I have had this happen to me before with other presets when flipping backwards and forward to undo changes or experiments with other presets.

Anyone got any ideas why this might happen?



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Re: Sequencer LIghts not present
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2016, 06:08:03 pm »
Athing i also noticed is, that the preset "Bellupo 2" is not a sequence, but as you say, you can set the sequencer to be trigger yourself.
The sequencers "Next" parameters have no values in that preset. You can see it in the image you have attached. This causes the sequencer to stall. Set a value for all the "Next parameters and then it work.
I would say it's a fault there are no values.

About the LFO, then it's a know issue, that the light is not working. It has been reported. I don't know if Arturia will fix it. They say it's there but very weak. But i can't see it.


I tried to find the preset "Bellupo 2" that you mention.
But i did'nt have any sound on it. There was no apparant reasons why. And then i found out that the 2 previous presets "Belllupo" and "Bells Bend" did'nt have sound either while some other presets did.
Then i closed the application and opened Modular V2 to see if i could find the presets there. I found some Bells by M.lupo that worked. I believe also the ones renamed for V3. Then i re-opened Modular V3, and then suddenly the 3 mentioned presets all had sound, and worked.
This show there are something that is unstable.
I have exsperienced presets without sound before.

There can be different reasons for such random behaviors i can imagine.
The one that come to my mind is the initialisation of the parameter values is unstable.
I do agrea odd things sometimes happens.

This unstabilty is no good. It's not reliable to use. Need to be done better.


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Re: Sequencer LIghts not present
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2016, 10:11:58 pm »
HI thanks LBH!

Bit embarrassed about not noticing the next states doh! I was sure i had checked everything, crikey the most obvious often hide in plain sight. I had checked the LFO, which still doesn't light and had manually triggered each stage and the white light would appear for each on clicking but the sequencer wouldn't run for the reason you mentioned.

As you say there are many quirks and instabilities, for me this is very frustrating and i lose confidence in the synth, i have always wanted a modular but until Arturia i could never afford one.

There are many bug like things for me but some are not easily repeated and others may or may not be down to me not knowing much about the synth? They mostly happen when i use the sequencer, which i know how to setup whether its the presets or not. I try to make them up from scratch so i have a better understanding of the wiring etc. 

Thanks a lot for the feedback i really like this forum. All the best.


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Re: Sequencer LIghts not present
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2016, 05:44:16 am »
Similar thing happened with me, when investigating v2 Lupo bell patches and v3 patches. At some point when changing between them and others on v3 the sound popped, then cut out, and app needed to be rebooted.
This was in standalone, on mac.
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Re: Sequencer LIghts not present
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2016, 10:26:51 am »
Thanks for that jeffbart,

That neatly describes the main problem i have been having with the synth since i got it about a month ago, i raised a technical support query with them but as not been resolved yet.

Thanks for the feedback. All the best.


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