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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: FR - Preset Browser 'Arturia Picks' playlist can't be moved or edited  (Read 1690 times)


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All instances of Arturia apps load as a plugin with 'Arturia Picks' play list, and patch 1 selected.
'Arturia Picks' is hardwired as list #1.

Feature Request: Could this list be made editable, or at least let user created lists be re numbered as list # '1' so that user selected playlists/patches are loaded into the preset selector on loading? The playlist and preset selector sections could be really improved if lists were made editable as to order.

Thanks jeff
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 08:51:20 am by jeffbart »
cubase 9.0.40
the amazing Modartt Pianoteq
Arturia things
tc electronic konnekt 24d


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