There seem to be some problems with the envelopes in the new version (V2).
Firstly, in "PAGE2" the fields 'GATED' and the LFO select are not consistently displayed. This is mainly a cosmetic thing, as they always seem to be displayed when LFOTRIG is selected.
But there also seem to be some issues with the triggering of the envelopes. I used the "LOW SHIMMER" preset and turned off the effects. The lower octave sound is supposed to fade in after some delay. Here I seem to get some inconsistent behaviour:
Sometimes the second oscillator (lower octave) fades in, sometimes starts immediately and sometimes starts abruptle after the delay. I understand the first two possibilities (freerun is on!) but I am not sure about how it can run through the delay phase, but cutting out the attack phase. That seems somehow wrong to me.
Can anybody confirm that?