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Author Topic: 8 voice programmer is a mess.  (Read 8697 times)


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8 voice programmer is a mess.
« on: June 12, 2016, 10:29:16 pm »
The 8 voice programmer is a mess both in stand alone and as a plug-in. In many ways iIt's useless as it is.
To much to describe in details. Please check all things in the programmer.
I'm using the newest version  2.0.1.

Sometimes it seems like it don't react on parameter changes before you turn a modulator off and on or even changes to another parameter and return. Sometimes the coarse on VCO1+2 only react on one VCO. I experienced it on "Slow Daydream" some times while testing. Looks like there sometimes is Pitch issues.
If closing SEM down when on "Slow "Daydream" and then reopen having it on that preset the pitch error seems to be reproduced.

Coarses are in the programmer shown in % and not by pitch like it should.

The steps are not played and shown as they should. And try the backward/ forward playmode it behave very odd. It's  clear on  the preset "Slow Daydream".
Also try and see the playmode Reasssign on the same preset. That's also behave very odd.

There is no reset to step 1 no matter using hold or not. It should be optional to have retrigger or not - no matter using hold or not too, just like i reported and requested a long time ago in the old forum. Things are not fixed. (FWD retrigger play the last step played now. I can understand that's okay if other playmodes  have the options to  both start the sequence from step 1 or to continue from where it. Sometimes the notes is stuck in this playmode)
None playmodes start the programmer on step 1 each time you trigger a note. As said it should be optional between reset to step 1 and continue playing from current step.

Also a preset like "Needlework" is suddenly turned down. Perhaps there is more preset's turned down. This should be checked.

And the filter issue reported in this thread is still not fixed:

It's a mess. Useless in many ways. How can this pass testing? I wonder. It's not new code.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 04:48:16 am by LBH »


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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2016, 09:03:42 pm »
Arturia do you see the problems?

Other issues for different applications still need verifications too, Verifications will be in place.


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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2016, 09:50:37 pm »
Still not working correct  in todays update version 2.0.2,

Please also check this as it's still not fixed: http://forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=87514.msg132239#new
« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 12:01:12 am by LBH »

Valentin Arturia

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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2016, 03:17:41 pm »

I'm not able to reproduce these issues :
- "Sometimes it seems like it don't react on parameter changes before you turn a modulator off and on or even changes to another parameter and return"

I will make feature requests for these :
- "Coarses are in the programmer shown in % and not by pitch like it should."
- "other playmodes  have the options to  both start the sequence from step 1 or to continue from where it."

What do you mean ? :
- "The steps are not played and shown as they should. And try the backward/ forward playmode it behave very odd. It's  clear on  the preset "Slow Daydream"."
- "Also a preset like "Needlework" is suddenly turned down."
- "other playmodes  have the options to  both start the sequence from step 1 or to continue from where it. Sometimes the notes is stuck in this playmode"

Reassign Mode is not really explain in the manual so here is how it works (but maybe you've got something else...):

play & hold C1 -> assigned to Voice 1
play & hold D1 -> assigned to Voice 2
play & hold E1 -> assigned to Voice 3
Release D1 -> Voice 2 is now free
play & hold F1 -> assigned to Voice 2
play & hold G1 -> assigned to Voice 4


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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2016, 04:44:13 pm »
Hi Germain,

First for all this try to use the preset "Slow Daydream" by Drew Anderson. This preset is both in SEM V1 and V2.
And please compare between SEM V1 and SEM V2.
I use Windows 10 64 bit, Studio One 3 latest version 64bit.
The issue is both in standalone as VST.

I'm not able to reproduce these issues :
- "Sometimes it seems like it don't react on parameter changes before you turn a modulator off and on or even changes to another parameter and return"
No that's the problem with periodic faults. But believe me all the reported in this thread i have experienced. It do behave like that sometimes. So testers need to spend time with the applications and try things out several times and in different ways.

I will make feature requests for these :
- "Coarses are in the programmer shown in % and not by pitch like it should."
- "other playmodes  have the options to  both start the sequence from step 1 or to continue from where it."
In the old Oberheiem SEM V at least the playmode "FWD RETRIGGER" did go to step 1 of the sequence. Now it goes to step 2. None playmodes go to step 1 in V2. There is a bug.
I'm glad if there will be even better possibilities for all playmodes thanks. Even better if they work when using Hold function both to shift at once and to wait when a key is hit to shift note until the first note in the sequnce.
OFF corse for instance a backwards sequence shall start/ reset at the last step. Things need to work in a relevant way for the different playmodes.

What do you mean ? :
- "The steps are not played and shown as they should. And try the backward/ forward playmode it behave very odd. It's  clear on  the preset "Slow Daydream"."
- "Also a preset like "Needlework" is suddenly turned down."
- "other playmodes  have the options to  both start the sequence from step 1 or to continue from where it. Sometimes the notes is stuck in this playmode"

Reassign Mode is not really explain in the manual so here is how it works (but maybe you've got something else...):

play & hold C1 -> assigned to Voice 1
play & hold D1 -> assigned to Voice 2
play & hold E1 -> assigned to Voice 3
Release D1 -> Voice 2 is now free
play & hold F1 -> assigned to Voice 2
play & hold G1 -> assigned to Voice 4
Sorry but "Reassign" playmode don't work like that. The Notes mostly get stuck and only use step 2+3. I have exsperienced different behavior where it acted random like. But never like you describe.
And all other playmodes don't work either.

If i use playmodes FWD, BWD and FWD-BWD, then i get a rotate behavior.
For all testing - Turn of the Hold function and Try play a single note, lift your finger and hit the same note again and again .... Steps rotate (if they are not played random.)

In FWD-BWD playmode the sequence change direction at step 2 when sequence come down from step 8, and at step 1 when sequence go up. I could understand and would at least want the possibility to have step 1 and 8 repeated to get a full 16 note sequence if i need to, but the way it act is not logical or usable.

If i use playmode FWD Retrigger it takes the note next to the last note the sequence played and then jump to step 2.

And about notes not played as they should.
We still use the same preset. You can have the Hold function on for this test.
First Compare the notes pitch between SEM V1 and SEM V2.
In SEM 2 you sometimes hear more notes than one. They are not tuned. In V1 this don't happen.
If you also try to turn the volume for the SUB up, then you will notice it play the same note all the time relative to the note you play. In V1 this don't happen. It's not following the sequence step tuning. Use the SUB OSC's SINE wave to get it as clear as possible if you are in doubt.
Also turning off the effects can help and show it has nothing to do with the effects.

You should be able to hear what i mean if you compare SEM V1 and SEM v2 using this preset.
Also the behaviors you should be able to see comparing the SEM versions. But SEM V1 do not have the best working playmodes either as only FWD Retrigger go to step 1/ a relevant logical note when hitting a key.



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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2016, 02:22:15 am »
I can confirm the FWD RETRIG mode and REASSIGN mode do not display the voice that's triggered, as a plugin in Logic, and standalone. Often no voice is displayed though you can hear them.
Some other modes are inconsistent in always displaying which voice is triggered.
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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2016, 07:09:52 pm »

Thanks for confirming there are some issues.



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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2016, 08:39:29 pm »
Be nice to have pitch instead of % in the sequencer as it was in the previous V4 collection version.
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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2016, 10:18:18 pm »
Regarding todays update of SEM V2 to version after a short test.

1. Now at least the FWD retrigger playmode retrigger. Not when using hold - but else it does. Could be nice if it worked using hold also.

2. Also other playmodes seems to work correct now, just not with any retrigger. Retrigger options would still be nice to have.

3. It would still be nice is the FWD/ BCK playmode had a option to let the last and the first note play twice after the first note has plaued. This require retrigger function though.

4. Also the step skips seems to have been fixed.

5. Sometimes the step indicator hangs, so two or more steps is highlighted.

6. Unfortunately the values for steps is not corrected. Unless it's possible to change to pitch in semitones, then one need to calculate. This is no good, and in many ways this alone unfortunately still make the sequencer useless. This should be fixed soon. A table to see what value to set for a certain semitone could help, but it's still not good enough. It shall be possible to see the semitones in the value display, just like it was in version V. This is essentiel. Why is this not fixed?


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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2016, 08:34:01 pm »
While percentages may be fine for some parameters percentage values for pitch is a total joke.  >:(

It was first deliver in version 1 as percentages this was then got corrected. Now the same problem version 2.   ???

Am also not convinced that the basic sound engine is as good with many of these V5 collection synths..
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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2016, 07:23:55 pm »
5th of December and still no comment?? :o ???💥
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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2017, 03:40:51 pm »
There are semitones values in the new version It's nice with the new (old) values.
(Would have been nice if it also was fixed for Jup-8.)
I think SEMs 8 voice programmer work now as it did before. It would still be nice if retrigger worked when using ARP HOLD.


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Re: 8 voice programmer is a mess.
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2017, 03:01:43 pm »
Thank you for changing the SEM's 8 voice programmer to Semi tones.

Now all you need to do is address the others.
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