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Author Topic: Applying Effects within CS-80V  (Read 68337 times)


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #30 on: March 13, 2006, 08:58:29 pm »
Ok i read all the thread including the one linked by bg on newsgoups, I don't know any of these keyboards for but I will definitely investigate on them.

Someone mentionned about the ensoniq EPS or SQ80, it's ok I'm glad they have Poly AT and I'll search Ebay for them, but I know they're not necessariyl going to be cheap and I have limited means (I'm a french student), and above all what I'd like to be sure about is do these have *enough* slider/controllers to fully exploit the power of cs-80V ?

Quote from: "omissis"
not counting you can always add polyaftertouch messages from your zero costs :wink:

Mm sounds really interesting, would you mind explaining that further ?

edit : so far I found nothing about Ensoniq SQ80 or General Music S2/S3 on Ebay : (

I was thinking to myself, it may sound silly but might be viable somehow : shouldn't Arturia sell dedicated Poly AT keyboards (in option) with their cs-80V package ?


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2006, 12:17:03 pm »
Unfortunately, to build dedicated poly aftertouch controller has terrific costs: for example if Fatar has to make a bunch of poly at keyboards, a stock of just wired sensors on a socket would cost around 500000 euros...I wish a brave heart would start building such keyboards the artesan way, since the poly at keyboards have no more market ( people don't know how to play them, what a shame ) and, as above, the manifacturers won't risk high production costs in front of poor sales - :cry:  :cry:

a CS-80Vist


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2006, 07:07:39 pm »
You don't answer my question but thanx for the info :D

btw Omissis, don't you have a website or a webspace of any kind where we could listen to your work, ideas, that would be great, you're really knowledgeable.

I managed to get a quite convincing Vangelis string pad (like the one he could get from vp-330 -especially distinctible on Antarctica album).

edit : now that I'm listening to it again, it sounds more like strings you can find on Mask, or Soil Festivities, don't know whether they were made with vp-300 though. Mine is yet to sawtooth-esque, and not "silky" enough, compared to BladeRunner ones I guess.


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2006, 07:17:02 pm »
Er...since I make music mostly for fun and for myself and since I'm so poooooorly skilled :cry:  :cry:  , I use the old way mostly : get the output into a tape recorder...anyway , as I said somewhere else( :wink: ) actually I have my instruments placed elsewhere :oops:  :oops:  :oops: ...about your question ,  many hosts have a MIDI event editor avaliable, it depends on what you have got or use mostly but, generally, as you can filter an excess of aftertouch events ( this happens frequently if you use the poly aftertouch ) you can , as well, address a poly at even on a single note or on more than one I said each sequencer does this its own way :wink:

a CS-80Vist


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2006, 08:28:02 pm »
Ok, here is a (very) short excerpt of the sound I'm working on : (224 Kbps mp3 - 19 sec. - 522 Ko)

Please bear in mind that I have *no* controller yet to play my VST, so this is played with a ... PC Keyboard, in Chainer. (Yea I badly need to get a MIDI controller !!!)

Of course there's obviously no velocity, 3 notes max at the same time, and I don't even have a piano layout so I don't know which notes I'm playing :D

I *know* the performance is rather unexpressive and flat, but hope this demonstrates the kind of sound I'm looking for.

Omissis, mate, come on you need to build your website, you could even get a weblog, such as Wordpress which installs in no time and is ready to be used, the world needs to know you : )

(pm me if you need advice).


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #35 on: March 14, 2006, 10:29:42 pm »
Yeah, the excerpt sounds very similar to the strings I can pull off the JX10, nice one Bouloutaur!! By the way , have you experienced some new sounds on the CS80V out of the usual Vangelis patches? :wink:

a CS-80Vist


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2006, 09:08:58 pm »
Err... What is Cs-80v again  :D ?

I'm currently working on those incredible Eminent 310 Solina Strings : D

Nah seriously, it's a shame this forum is so dead, I'd love to be able to share presets with users but there doesn't seem to be any activity here, and also few people share presets in Cs-80v newsgroup :/


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2006, 07:03:16 pm »
Unfortunately the forum can't allow the file sharing because , altough there could be the ability, this forum can't allow the update of personal files!
By the way, it could be interesting if you share some of your files on the newsgroup, I have to remove mine because there was too short space for other files: we're into the update time and the collaboration , especially of the original CS80 owners is essential, so any tech new is welcome there too!

a CS-80Vist


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time share sales
« Reply #38 on: May 18, 2006, 08:18:06 pm »
This is a good talking about the time share sales!!I learn a lot more about time share sales here,I like it.
I search Yahoo for long time and find here.By the way I found some content on another website about it.Also,you can find some other on it,such as dx7590 or network card or ray ban sunglasses.
LOL!Good job and go on talking plz,boys :)


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #39 on: August 17, 2006, 09:27:34 pm »
Quote from: "omissis"
I watched a video where Vangelis plays live the track "The Dragon" from China and he plays the Yamaha synth!

Yep, you can find it here.


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #40 on: August 18, 2006, 11:38:57 pm »
Heheh, thx Bouloutaur, I've found it again on an old cdr of mine that I kept among dust...

a CS-80Vist


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2007, 05:38:33 am »
Oh and btw, here is a longer version (better quality too).

Also a pretty rare video where he improvises on the Cs80 (ribbon and RM) in 81.


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Applying Effects within CS-80V
« Reply #42 on: February 18, 2007, 12:22:23 am »
It is funny to see that Vang is using the meter bridge of the MCI desk as his upper tier stand, instead of the CS80 heat vents.....a spot reserved for his ashtray


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