Yes. The non-moving cables (in this and in the Arp 2600) are very irritating. They block interface elements (such as the noted box for sequences, above). Being able to adjust the cables' tension was also very useful, but I suppose not essential. Moving cables, however, is pretty essential.
Speaking of the boxes for sequence and keyboard follow assignment: Ridiculously small. More unreadable than in the V4 version. Definitely a step backwards, in a big way.
Another thing I find regressive is that we can't simply click and drag the interface to move up and down with it (ditto in the Arp 2600). Sure, we can use the scroll wheel (as we could before as well) but I found click/drag much more "intuitive" and became used to doing it that way. Now it's "break old habit and re-learn." ... I suppose that's really pretty minor tho, in the ultimate scheme of things.
Finally, for me the interface is quite laggy when moving about in it -- and I have a pretty decent machine. AMD FX6500 w/ 16 gigs RAM, and a GeForce GTX560 Ti w/ 1 gig VRAM ... the interface should NOT be even remotely laggy when scrolling. I can push millions of vertices in 3D apps (Blender 3D) with absolutely no problem. A simple virtual instrument shouldn't tax my system at all.
WAAYYYY too much space wasted on the graphics for the GUI. Almost a gig? Seriously?

.... (EDIT: ah, I see. they've included up to full 4K resolution. hmm. I certainly don't need that. I wonder if I can just delete the resolutions higher than what I'll use)