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Author Topic: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?  (Read 21606 times)


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2016, 02:46:01 pm »
If you ever get into MIDIShaper and want some perspectives, please let me know because there's a few steps to getting it to talk properly to Studio One and the documentation by CableGuys is somewhat minimal.

Thanks. I'll try to remember that. Good to know.

I try to use the tools i have. I don't use a lot of this kind of things in my music. Mostly i can do what i need in this area, with the stuff i have.
But i think MidiShaper looks like a cool versataille tool. If you for instance make EDM music using things like this a lot, the i can see it can be a effective tool.

Just to clarify some things.
When i in my posts say Massive and many other synths sound cold, metallic, hard and noisy, then i don't mean  that they are bad. That sound i also use, and some is amazing synths. I just like some special sounding sounds, that synths like that is not able to do.
Sometimes i wan't a old more soft and warm  sound.  Sounds like the hardware synths Arturia emulate can produce.  The better Arturia can emulate this the better. I hope they improve  further.
But i'm also open for Arturia synths emulations or a official Arturia synth that's not a emulation, that implement more modern features, as long as they make it sounding uniqe and not cold and metallic like so many other softsynths do. Keep it musical.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 02:47:59 pm by LBH »


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2016, 11:43:31 pm »

Just to clarify some things.
When i in my posts say Massive and many other synths sound cold, metallic, hard and noisy, then i don't mean  that they are bad. That sound i also use, and some is amazing synths. I just like some special sounding sounds, that synths like that is not able to do.
Sometimes i wan't a old more soft and warm  sound.  Sounds like the hardware synths Arturia emulate can produce.  The better Arturia can emulate this the better. I hope they improve  further.
But i'm also open for Arturia synths emulations or a official Arturia synth that's not a emulation, that implement more modern features, as long as they make it sounding uniqe and not cold and metallic like so many other softsynths do. Keep it musical.

Oh no, I think I understood what you meant. They really did get the oscillators "right" with Modular V and their other synths. Especially if you look at it on an oscilloscope, you can see what the TAE oscillators do that other digital oscillators do not, you know, the subtle variances and instabilities. I thought TAE was just some marketing nonsense when I first saw it but nope, it is the real deal in that regard and I do appreciate it for that. That and the oscillators don't have aliasing. From what I can see Non-aliasing oscillators is becoming more and more common but Modular V was one of the first in softsynths...



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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2016, 11:03:52 pm »
Wow, looks like we just got a gigantic update.


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2016, 08:21:30 am »
I guess it's a good thing I got MIDIShaper...

I might be wrong but I just skimmed the manual for Modular V v.3 and though it looks pretty, it doesn't seem like an LFO retrigger has been included.


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2016, 02:13:43 pm »
Thanks for your info Tausendberg.

We must see.

I first thought you had got all the updates, while i only had got Analog Lab 2. Reading other threads too i now understand you have'nt got them.

I'm not pleased right now. VC4 have nasty bugs.

I hope the new sound engines are better and even more authentic than the old ones, and not sounding like other softsynths on the market.


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2016, 09:21:41 pm »
You are right there are no notes on the sale site about the lfo reset and retrigger. But it could be the MIDI sync actualy have that reset behavior now, as it should have had.


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2016, 10:16:05 pm »
I won't be able to get V5 until next month, please let me know how it is.


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2016, 04:58:35 am »
I just tested it.

Nope, the LFOs still don't retrigger.

Honestly, Modular V3 is kind of disappointing me. It seems like it sounds a little better but in some ways it's a step back for me.

1) You can no longer assign MIDI commands to control the link 'switches' on the mixer, which seems like an arbitrary decision on Arturia's part. I have a MIDI Fighter Twister (a device with 16 encoder/switches) and I liked being able to use the encoder for the mixer knob and the corresponding switch for the link. My ideal goal is that I touch the mouse as little as possible when working on a patch.

2) For some reason they decided not to allow the entire VST to display on screen at once, which, it's like, what the hell? Why would they do that? They made the synth much prettier but I can't display it all at once.

3) The LFOs still don't sync.

On the plus side: The filters and oscillators do seem to sound much better; much finer and much fuller. Also, a subtle update that I appreciate is that now when you manipulate the cutoff frequency, you can no longer hear stepping. It's a subtle improvement but it does help to make it feel like I'm controlling an instrument and not a 12 year old VSTi.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 05:19:30 am by Tausendberg »


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2016, 02:48:24 pm »
Thanks Tausenberg.

That's a disapointment.

I hope you are right about the sound, but the presets and features in Analog Lab 2 can't tell me that. The sound is for me vital and about catching the unique sounds of the individual synths, so if i for instance wan't a certain unique Minimoog sound or CS80 sound, then i can get it. That's the reason to buy emulations. I hope the new synths can do that.

I'm beginning to think Arturia hav'nt fixed bugs and haven't tested things or improved any features. Reading the forums perhaps there even are new bugs in some synths.

I'm not happy right now.


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2016, 02:54:54 pm »
I mean, overall, Modular V does seem like an improvement it's just I honestly don't know why it makes sense to take away a feature that previously existed.

But I found the Modular V3_gui.xml so I'm trying to "hack" it so that I can make the browser display the entire vst at once. I know it may sound crazy but that actually matters to me a lot because I like to feel like I have the actual instrument in front of me and having to scroll up and down constantly really removes from that feeling.


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2016, 02:59:53 pm »
Yes it's important to have things in a way you work best.

According to the sales site, it should now be possible to move modules around to a certain degree. Do that help you?


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2016, 03:49:21 pm »
Move modules around? I'm not quite sure I follow, it seems to behave like Modular V2 used to...


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2016, 04:05:27 pm »
On the sales site - Detail page - you can read this among other things:

"New ergonomics:
One unique scrollable view to overlook the entire synth.

Some of the modules are now interchangeable, allowing to configure - to a certain extent - the Modular the desired way."

EDIT: Sorry. This might be the old features, as new modules also are old. That''s wrong advertizing if things is'nt new from VC4.
We apparantly have to be aware of what Arturia write and claim to be new etc...
« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 04:11:22 pm by LBH »


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2016, 05:05:18 pm »
I think they just didn't completely update the page.


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Re: Workaround for lack of LFO Retrigger?
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2016, 08:08:54 pm »
Hey, I think I figured out how to get the modular v3 to show the entire window. It's not perfect, but all you have to do...

1) Find Modular V3_gui in your programdata folder and open it in a text editor or any program that can edit xml

2) Scroll down to " <resolution name="70%" path="80%" w="LARGE_WIDTH*0.35" h="(LARGE_HEIGHT+HEIGHT_TOOLBAR+HEIGHT_BOTTOM_TOOLBAR)*0.35"/> "

3) Change the second multiplier value (the 0.35) to 0.655 (For example: <resolution name="70%" path="80%" w="LARGE_WIDTH*0.35" h="(LARGE_HEIGHT+HEIGHT_TOOLBAR+HEIGHT_BOTTOM_TOOLBAR)*0.655"/> )

4) Open up Modular V in your DAW, or standalone should work too (I didn't try), click in the upper left hand corner, resize to 80% and then resize back to 70% and voila, you should now have the entire VST visible.


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