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Author Topic: Analog Lab stops working in middle of standalone performances  (Read 3869 times)


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I have 32 key Factory, and Keylab 49, as well as V Collection 4, Spark v2, etc.
I recently did an experimental test live broadcast, and on both the Mac and the Windows systems (two separate ones simultaneously), the Arturia software, in standalone Live mode, first started to mysteriously lose the presets I had in the play list, and then worse yet, began to not even make sound during the performance!
This happened on the MacBook Pro (OS 10.9), and the Alienware M11xR2 (Windows 7).
I had just run all the Arturia Software updates completely on both systems that day (and rebooted systems), just prior to the test broadcast.
Mid-way through, the Arturia software started having these issues. I detail this, and when they happen in the captions of the video here:

The Windows-based Arturia software blew up around:
21:30, and then lost some (but not all) of the selected presets in the play list of the Live section.
Restarting it made it work again, but the playlist wasn't right.

The Mac-based Arturia software blew up around:
And continued to have problems until I gave up on the rest of the broadcast, then it started working at the very end when I had stopped trying! Lol!

I have experienced these problems with the Arturia plugins stopping (no sound) inside Mainstage 3 and Logic Pro 9 & X, so I thought running them standalone would help. They lasted longer than as plugins, but still they died.
All other software kept running fine.
Obviously this is literally a show-stopper, fortunately the Spark v2 software kept running and I had some backup keyboard systems running Roli's Equator on the Roli RISE, and ZynSubFX with Rosegarden with my Casio on a linux system.
Would appreciate suggestions on how to fix this so can avoid happening when ready for real performances, fortunately this was just a test that was not promoted in advance.
Thanks for any suggestions!
« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 06:51:52 pm by syntheticzen »


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