I have been trying to figure out how to export a kit as a .spk file, and was hoping someone here might know. I have been trying to research this, and have looked through the guide as well as here, and just can't seem to figure it out. At this point, when I try to export, all I seem to get is the midi files in the .spk file, but not the kit itself.
I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I just tested it out, starting with a new, blank project. Then loading the first 8 pads up with a few sounds pretty much at random.
So there's no patterns here, and only the first 8 pads have sounds on them.
I exported as .spk .. WITHOUT first saving the project.
Closed Spark. Re-started Spark. Opened a factory project to clear out what I'd previously done. Then I, again, made a new, blank project. I imported the kit I had just exported (remember, I had NOT saved this kit, except to export it to .spk). Then I went to the Library > Kits and loaded the test kit I'd just made.
It came in just fine, with all 8 instruments, and no patterns. No MIDI.
Could you describe what you're doing to make your kit and export it as .spk?