I think Tangerine Dream used a Switch. Module 962 or perhaps Module 961.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moog_modular_synthesizer#Moduleshttp://modularsynthesis.com/moog/962/962.htmhttp://modularsynthesis.com/moog/961/961.htmWe can suggest Arturia -
(I do with this reply) - to create this or another function to make things like this possible, as i really think the sequencer needs the posibily to be more flexible and useful. Tangerine Dream sequences is for me a Moog Modular trademark.
Also i would like Arturia to look at the Coloumn functions. I don't think the trigger is working as supposed to, and the only effect is glide. Alternatively a tutorial for using the triggers and the on buttons would be nice.
http://modularsynthesis.com/moog/960/960.htmIf anyone knows about all this for sure, then please join in.
EDIT: It is possible to use the Trigger Delay to Trigger/ Modulate extra notes or someting else, if you set a single sequence step or all the sequence as a input for the Trigger Delay. But as the delay can't be tempo synced, then it's difficult to use. And it's not really what you are looking for. But perhaps it can be used in some cases.